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New member introductions / Introduction letter!
« on: March 18, 2013, 11:20:54 AM »
Hi all,

I have been playing UO on and off for ages, and currently play on UOG Demise. I tend to quit and return to this game a lot, I think I get the most fun out of the initial 'building up' stage. I always seem to get bored and let my accounts decay once my characters start to feel 'complete'.

I mostly play a tamer, alternating between tamer/archer and tamer/mage. I've also been trying (not very successfully) to play a sampire.

This time around I also plan on trying out the whole crafter/vendor route. I've never really done that before, so it'll be something new, and definitely something that lends itself to automation :)

So far I've mostly been writing my own scripts or modifying the ones I've found on, since I had no idea this community existed. I've never tackled a hugely complicated easyuo scripting project though (yet).

Basically I'm just hoping this proves to be an active community I can come to if/when I make an attempt at something more difficult :)

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