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Topics - calamity-SMLS

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Calamity :)
« on: November 09, 2014, 08:53:07 PM »
Hey folks, I made an introduction awhile ago, i suppose i need to make a new one? I have not been on here in awhile and my status is now "restricted" No downloads for me? :(

Anyways, I'm frank. I've been playing UO for 15 years on and off. Recently returning, though not sure if i'll be sticking with OSI/Atlantic. or going to Uogamers demise. Thoughts on that?
I'm a father of two, Married, Work too hard for too little.

New member introductions / Calamity here! returning vet!
« on: May 02, 2014, 03:02:06 PM »
Hey guys, Calamity here.. AKA Frank..

I grew up plaything UO.. I absolutely adore the game, and everything about it.
Whats not to love? I quit playing in 2004. And have just recently returned!
My home shard is Atlantic.
A lot of stuff has seem to have changed since i've been one.. And honestly, it's a bit overwhelming lol..
Oh how i have missed sosaria! :P
Last time i played i was young. Im 21, Got a son on the way.. And My life is pretty unique.
Im a total Homebody and toal gamer!
Glad to be back!

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