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Topics - d3vx

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Reintroducing !! EEKK
« on: June 01, 2014, 02:09:10 PM »
well i cant remember the email to my account and the password so here is my intro again sorry
hello everyone! my name is joseph ,Im 30 years old from florida. I have played uo since the very first day it went live (i know i know)off and on i have quit many times due to real life issues. I came across this site looking for various scripts to help with medusa egg gathering, since im obessed with getting a slither!! Ever since I have played uo I have been a mage,I was a pk on lake superior for a looooonngg time back when you use to have 28.8k modems with CoOkiE MoNStEr, his head was worth alot hehe.. That eventually ended when I blackholed on a server line and died losing all my hardworked skills , thats when I began to look for ways to repeat macros without having to be at the computer , started using mouse recording software and few programs off askchopper, the wonderful easyuo program came out and everything changed :> I actively play atlantic and lake superior, in factions , looking for decent pvpers on both shards for a guild im in. (PM IF INTERESTED) Anyway this site look like it has a great player base as well as talented scripters and hope to contribute in anyway I can to both, I do try and script but im not that seasoned. I am also a father of three so when I do play it is a relief from the stress to get that insurance gold from my many kills LOL :> thanks hope to make many new friends.

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