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Topics - kimstill

Pages: [1]
Scripting Chat / lumberjacker help
« on: January 20, 2015, 10:30:01 AM »
ok so i know this question has been asked in a diferent post however i am totaly useless with codes
so could someone please tell me how to get the lumberjacking scripts working step by step
i just downloaded UO 2 months ago
i play a EA server (catskills)
and none of the jacking scripts will do much they recall but then sit there
any help would be great

New member introductions / hello fellow UOrs
« on: January 08, 2015, 08:45:21 PM »
well its been a long absence for me i have been out of game for about 5 years now and i am just getting back into uo again
i came back due to the fact that even after being around for so long i just dont think there is another game quite like UO
I played on legends for about 5 years (not quite) but since my return have found it to be alot less active than when i left
so i have transfered to catskills and am much happier there (not that legends didnt make me happy just no one was there)
and well being back and new server too i am back to training skills yay!! wich would be why i am now regestered here (i totaly hate training skills)
i would like to thank in advance all those who work to make the scripts that make my life so much easier i truly love you all
well thats all for now i hope to see some of you in game soon

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