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Topics - primex001

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New member introductions / Return of Prime
« on: March 12, 2015, 03:50:15 PM »

I go by the name of Prime, I played this game from 1999 OSI. I took breaks off an on I have a 98 month account I play on Pacific. I know some coding like Perl. I am a network Engineer By day. Entrepreneur by night. I hope I can learn some of the scripting language and provide value. Look forward to helping where I can. My Favorite Char is a Archer/Fisher SOS's!

When I first started I thought this game was all about mining! I swear I mined for months! selling ingots to get a head and it was a failed attempt! I soon gave up and joined the winning team!

I use to be a PK at Brit Xroads with Tiny I later Joined Fallen Lords and did the PVP / PKing and Dungeon Raiding. I miss the old school days of no other facets and killing someone and looting there house.

Tho I am older now I still like UO for the older crowd it brings and not many kids. It's peaceful and relaxing.

Look forward to getting to know some people!



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