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Topics - Vossler

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hello :)
« on: August 02, 2015, 01:33:33 AM »
Hi everyone.

My name is Vossler, I've been with UO since AoS and played upto ML with a long break, before returning a few months ago. Typically I play weekends and evenings and enjoy many aspects of the game, from crafting, farming to pvp and pvm.

After retuning, I've really enjoyed the new imbuing system and crafting some really great pieces of gear (which had taken me years to gather via the bod system!)

One of the reasons I came across this site is because my biggest bugbear is how long particular things take (urrgh, BODs!) But I also like to read through the scripts and see how I can make them work better for my play style.

My current UO project is to get my tamer up to scratch and get a luck suit together so I can go out and enjoy some of the tougher mobs.

Looking forward to reading your posts.


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