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Topics - Geemarc

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New member introductions / Hello Everyone.
« on: March 13, 2016, 03:58:52 AM »
My name is James, and I live in the UK.

I started playing UO back at the release of Europa.  I was 16 at the time, and played for about 5 years on and off.

I have played many games since then but always considered my time in UO as the most fun I have had playing games.  Recently out of boredom with the current crop of games I decided that I should give UO another go and instantly regretted ever giving up.  I unfortunately could not recover my old OSI account and have therefore started again fresh on Europa.  A lot has changed since I last played and I am gradually getting to grips with all the new skills and crafting changes.  I decided to level a new tamer first and have spent many hours over the past few weeks taming bulls and polar bears.

I have still got a lot to learn and I am looking forward to joining this forum community and picking up some tips and tricks.

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