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Topics - Magenta of Magincia

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Greetings, Sosarians!
« on: August 24, 2020, 08:37:45 PM »
In the year 2000 (♫"in the year 2000... in the year 2000!"♫), my friend, who had been playing UO since its launch, said to me, "Hey, I know you're a big baby.  This game I play recently added a baby area.  Wanna try?"

And so a Trammie carebear I became. A twinked-out tamer, to boot!
I tried PvP once. I think it might have been during server wars or something -- it didn't even count! -- and I won the encounter! (Because nobody expected a trammie tamer mage to have wrestling, haha, which I only had because I'd panic if anything got on me and I couldn't cast.) But I was drenched in sweat after my one PvP fight and said "Never again."

I remember my life revolving around power hours and skillgain, so many an hour was spent in front of my UOAssist macro, making sure I didn't even let it run while going to the bathroom, in case I should be visited by a curious GM.

After about a year, my life got busy and I had to drop my subscription.

In 2009, my friend and I got nostalgic and started up some free trials on our old shard, Baja.
Crickets.  Just...crickets.

So we looked for a freeshard -- something that would mimic current UO without the sub.  We landed on Demise, which was only current up to AoS/ML. We made houses, we learned the ins and outs of Razor, but didn't get too deep into anything (my friend wanted to try imbuing, which Demise didn't have). We wandered away again...

Last year, we got itchy again.  And found a couple of freeshards that actually are current!  Imbuing! Gargoyles! So much new stuff!
Best of all, no super strict rules about the type of assistants you can use (as long as you aren't naughty) -- UOSteam!  EasyUO!  And now I see RazorEnhanced!

My own coding knowledge has been self-taught and limited -- mostly ASP/PHP from a website I ran ages ago.  I think I tried to learn Python for like a minute back then, too.  But I haven't delved deep, and certainly haven't kept up with the newest languages.  But I can...kinda read code.  So not sure how much I can contribute here in that regard -- but I like to learn things... and seeing that EnhancedRazor plays with .py, maybe I'll dust that off again.

Thank you for running this site and bringing this community together. I sometimes wonder if Richard Garriott had any idea what kind of projects UO would spawn decades later, from emulation to scripts and even independent clients.  I hope he's pleased.

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