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Messages - krs187

Pages: 1 [2]
Ok cool! do you happen to know why the euo engines wont work right ? openeuo has errors saying scipt is wrong = in wrong places or ; etc... and normal euo newest version same issue the play button wont work.... I tried to run many scripts after editing the parts that needed to be edited and still had the same errors above... I am unsure why they won't work i have the newest version for the newest version (patch) for ultima online osi shards.

I downloaded the blacksmith.txt set it up to no avail.... actually just allow me to copy and paste an error here for you,
!C:\openeuo_110403\Blacksmith_Trainer_.30.txt:1: unexpected symbol near '=='
all scripts give same error and other euo(non open one) wont plat at all is it an editor like your's also perhaps??

Sorry again for noobish questions... appreciate your quick response!

If maybe i dont have the right program in general where can i receive the right .exe or w.e ?

Hey all thank you! appreciate the warm welcomes lol... my friend on Atlantic told me as he heard from an old friend about this site! It definately seems really cool this site! so far people seem great aswell... I am unsure actually as to what name he signed up on here with his name is Genisis on Atl i beleive...

He is waiting on acceptance too I beleive...

Cheers again !

Oops forgot to add this part i was recently approved as i stated before in this message... I am just wondering how i get ahold of the script uo engine thing, the on i have from (search bar lead me to download section)  Although it sais run mode disabled on the top of the suo program.  (the one where i open and edit scripts, also seems to have no play button probably due to the fact that it's a disabled version) ? 

Some help would be greatly appreciated im not that horrible at computers, but not the best either.. :P

Hey all!  I am one of the origanal beta testers actually... I quit more than 12 years ago before t2a! LOL Killing dragons and stuff got boring... i was around for the original bugs in the game I actually still remember those... The MA bug 1 shot kill, then it was harm after magic arrow was debugged... spam cast all spells cause no faster casting/recovery was impletemented around the beta lol was funny as hell ! The best was the invul plain leather armor that was bought from npcs... and put on in certain order actually made u superman lmao cept for harm i beleive...

But ya friends told me to check the changes in the game the new expansions/bosses/skills/chars are sweet... A ton more bang for your monthly payment i would say!

But anyways I am on here cause a friend actually told me about this "Scripting to avoid carpel tunnel" and it sounds like a great idea to me! haha

anyhoo im back for quite some time i think now... Hoping this will be a good community aswell!


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