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Messages - Twisted1851

Pages: 1 [2]
Script Debug / Re: Gump changes, I'm a newbie!
« on: September 27, 2011, 02:55:55 PM »
thanks guys! I figured out the positioning, although i would be interested to learn more about how the #contposx + %x works exactly...

UO Client Modifications/Tools / Gargoyles to humans? Or something similar...
« on: September 26, 2011, 02:43:04 PM »
Ok I have a question, say I wanted to change how I view my own character, or any of them for that matter. I specifically want to view gargoyles (the new race) as humans because I have a hell of a time seeing where they are actually standing and its incredibly hard to use a gargoyle dexxer in pvp with that. So with that in mind, how would I go about modifying that?

Script Debug / Gump changes, I'm a newbie!
« on: September 26, 2011, 12:50:54 PM »
Ok so I don't know if this is the appropriate place to ask this, but I couldn't really find anywhere better.... In general it would be beneficial to me to know how to find the 6 digit identifier for button gumps in crafting? Or any in game gump really. The specific problem I am having is this: (This is inscription crafting gump, trying to craft spellbooks)

Code: [Select]
gosub click_offset 25 270 ; Clicks Other
wait 15
while #contname <> generic_gump
    wait 15
gosub click_offset 235 150 ; Clicks Spellbook
while %hide = #true && h notin #charstatus
  gosub hide

The 235 150 is where im having my trouble, that isn't the button for spellbooks anymore apparently. And I haven't the slightest idea how to figure out the buttons, or how they are determined... Any help would be great!

Post Merge: September 26, 2011, 01:14:35 PM
scrub this whole thing im retarded and figured it really retarded =/

UO Client Modifications/Tools / Re: Client Art Patcher
« on: September 14, 2011, 08:28:36 PM »
I've done most of it myself, I just can't figure out what he did with the backpacks...

Post Merge: September 14, 2011, 10:53:13 PM
Any expected release date?

Post Merge: September 14, 2011, 09:30:49 PM
Also, maybe I'm going about doing this wrong, but I edited the gump itself inside muleditor for the players backpacks, and it shows up in game, but its not aligned correctly. Because the size of the original backpack was different, everything in the container is shifted down and to the right slightly. How can I correct this?

UO Client Modifications/Tools / Re: Client Art Patcher
« on: September 14, 2011, 03:45:55 PM »
Ok, so now that I'm unrestricted, I still apparently am too retarded to find the download

New member introductions / Re: New player introduction
« on: September 09, 2011, 05:27:15 PM »
It's good to see people returning. No one can quit this damn game! Anyways, welcome!

New member introductions / Re: It's like, an intro, or somethin.... <3
« on: September 09, 2011, 05:23:26 PM »
Thanks everybody! Looking forward to posting more! :)

New member introductions / It's like, an intro, or somethin.... <3
« on: September 09, 2011, 12:21:44 AM »

Alright... so, as much as it pains me to say, I am indeed, a UO addict... But I don't care! I have a love hate relationship with this game. I have been playing on and off for roughly 13 years. Which is pretty good considering I'm only 20! Anyways, I've pretty much played Pacific only for most of my time. I've played on Napa some, Origin, and Atl a little. There isn't much I don't know about this game, and there isn't much I have not had in terms of items. I remember when I used to be a newbie, and would get help from older players and how cool I thought it was, and as such now whenever I see someone I randomly meet that could use help, I spent a ton of time giving them plenty of stuff, and teaching them how to do things, what they should do to make money, etc. Feels good to do good! I've spent plenty of time on my own doing pvm stuff forever made billions of gold and finally got to the point where I got tired of champ spawns. I dabbled in pvp on and off a 6 years ago, and the more I did it the more I got into it. The last few years I have really gotten into it a lot. I now run 2 accounts, almost half of which are pvp chars. I am completely self sustained, I craft my own things, collect my own resources, and everything else. One of the few pvpers! When I was younger starting off in UO I thought tamers were the coolest *bleep* since sliced bread. I mean literally the idea of being able to control badass pets and kill with them? My first character, Kyros, has and always has been a tamer. I thought it was so amazing and I was so excited when I finally hit 120 taming. Unfortunately I trained him up to 120 taming 3 seperate times, because some assclown hacked my account twice and when he did he turned taming down and focus up just to be dick. Is cursing allowed in these posts? I hope so, you guys wanted them to be real and from the heart, so I'm doing just that, and putting emotion into it! Anyways, I love this game. I have never been able to completely quit. Even after EA started trashing it slowly...but that's a topic for another discussion.

Scripting, boy when I found out I could make a program do all the *bleep* I did by hand for years, I was STOKED, let me tell you! I have gotten a base competency down for scripting. I can easily modify most to do what I want, but I don't know the language very well. I have always wanted to get good at it, but mostly haven't had the time. Figured I'd learn it at college when I was in my Computer Science major, but after a year of school things didn't work out. I will probably go back soon, but I should have gone with my gut and taken a year or 2 off after high school to see what the real world was like. It's going well so far!

Since I have been playing UO I have definitely made a lot of friends, a few really good friends, and even a few that I've met IRL, which I thought was pretty cool. I have also sadly seen a lot of my good friends quit. I am very friendly and am always looking to make more friends. I don't really every do anything by myself anymore, unless I need something. I'd rather go do a spawn with someone to get them what they need. I have too much *bleep* anyways. If any of you that read this intro are on Pacific, please, look me up, or send me an ICQ 465-114-469 (if you send an icq, put in the friend request that you're from scriptuo, so i know your not one of those weird bot characters that randomly add me) if you wanna go do something, or you need something, or you wanna fight. Whatever, I'm down. Please just don't be the type that sucks up to me so I'll give you free *bleep*, karma will get you. =) But seriously I'd love to meet some people from pac!

Hmm, my girlfriends measurements are.....hold on....*ow* Well, she hit me when I took the tape to her.... =/ Sorry I TRIED!

Well, I think that's most of it! I hope once I get used to the tools and stuff I can contribute to these forums! Looking forward to meeting you all!

For now,

UO Client Modifications/Tools / Re: Client Art Patcher
« on: September 08, 2011, 10:43:33 PM »
How much longer is this going to be under maintenance? I finally had to patch, but I don't think I can go back to playing without these mods lol! Can't download it atm so please hurry! Thank you

You are restricted - until you get unrestricted you may not download anything
I downloaded it before?.... Why am restricted now?..

UO Client Modifications/Tools / Re: Client Art Patcher
« on: September 08, 2011, 02:12:03 PM »
How much longer is this going to be under maintenance? I finally had to patch, but I don't think I can go back to playing without these mods lol! Can't download it atm so please hurry! Thank you

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