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Messages - NObama

Pages: 1 ... 131 132 [133] 134 135 ... 139
General UO Chat / Re: Darnit. Stupid Patch ruined my gold mine...
« on: October 09, 2009, 07:17:51 PM »
Indeed.  Head over to stratics and check out this link:

This Tina Small character is on top of new content like white on rice.


Scripting Chat / Anyone else finding EUO unstable?
« on: October 09, 2009, 07:16:04 PM »
Just curious: anyone else crashing a lot more with the latest build of EUO?  I'm crashing frequently on a lumber script that has been stripping bark off trees for years without a hitch...


General UO Chat / Re: Darnit. Stupid Patch ruined my gold mine...
« on: October 09, 2009, 03:15:28 PM »
At least 4 or 5, which means probably more.  I am about to open up some crafting menus and poke around.


General UO Chat / Darnit. Stupid Patch ruined my gold mine...
« on: October 08, 2009, 07:20:48 PM »
You know, for the first time in a decade, I was making gold faster manually than by scripting.  Easily 1M for less than an hour's work, consistently...

And then they went and made rare imbuing ingredients craftable.

Stupid EA.  The *one* thing that casual gamers can do to make easy gold, and they destroyed it already.


Great idea, thanks.

5M and counting.

So far, I can report the following:

Current Skill: 88
Skill Gain: 48.0
Residue used: 11288
Amber used: 2103
Citrines used 22354
Run time: 1218 minutes

I just found a fresh jeweler at 60gp/citrine, so that saved me a bundle.  Still, I'm about 4M into this now.


Pay no attention to TopTwo.  All your scripts are belong to us!


Ah, memories.  I remember showing him this method =D


UO-Related Tutorials / Re: New Char, New Shard, an Essay.
« on: October 07, 2009, 08:03:33 PM »
Ah ha!  You're the one stripping all the branches from my magic trees on Sonoma, aren't you!

Glad you're back.  Sonoma can use the people and I can use the company.  You.  Me.  Slasher.  Soon!


And hey!  When did I become a full member?!

woot!  Soon I can haz elite!


Well, since this script has a statistics function, I'll be able to estimate pretty closely.  The only reason I'm below 3M so far is that I fence goods at all the Fel jewelry shops and I'm willing to comparison shop.  When you start buying citrines at 82 apiece instead of 150, that saves a huge chunk of gold.


Because otherwise I wouldn't be able to afford to train imbuing.  My lands, I've burned through 5000 citrines just to go from 40 to 55.  I just bought 13K more, and by my calculation I've spent 2M already just on gems...not to mention the gold value of the oak boards I'm unraveling.

Irritating.  With training requirements like this, EA is actually encouraging scripting.  How else could people actually hope to train this frickin' skill?

Thank goodness for the imbue trainer posted on EUO...but if anyone knows of a cheaper method...


Off Topic / Anyone else notice this about TM?
« on: October 07, 2009, 04:24:47 PM »
I had a good chuckle just a moment ago when I noticed TM has 3 referrals.  Really?  Did someone really have the stones to complain about the person who runs this site, or did he just refer himself as a gag?

Either way: classic funny.


General UO Chat / Re: Thorvald's Medallion easily obtained
« on: October 07, 2009, 04:16:14 PM »
As C2 says, it is one of the many annoyances near the Medusa Altar.


General UO Chat / Thorvald's Medallion easily obtained
« on: October 06, 2009, 07:06:56 PM »
In case anyone cares:  It appears to me that the Hydra in the Abyss gives a medallion every time.  In my previous Blighted Grove adventures, the medallion did not drop so easily.

*shrug* In case you care.  I like deco.


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