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Messages - Canuker

Pages: 1 ... 28 29 [30] 31 32
General UO Chat / Re: Sampire
« on: April 16, 2011, 10:18:47 AM »
I wouldn't bother adding FCR to your jewelery but I would advise you to make sure you have nightsight somewhere as it is very easy to over look. 

My current set up is and my stats are HP 141, Stam 180, mana 44.
Defense Chance Increase: 35% 
Damage Increase: 69% 
Swing Speed Increase: 15% 
Hit Chance Increase: 40% 
Hit Lower Defense: 30% 
Mage Armor: 1 
Lower Reagent Cost: 18% 
Lower Mana Cost: 1% 
Spell Damage Increase: 3% 
Physical Resist: 98% 
Fire Resist: 95% 
Cold Resist: 72% 
Poison Resist: 84% 
Energy Resist: 73% 
Dexterity Bonus: 22 
Strength Bonus: 13 
Intelligence Bonus: 2 
Hit Point Regeneration: 4 
Stamina Regeneration: 2 
Hit Point Increase: 25 
Stamina Increase: 33 
Mana Increase: 32

General UO Chat / Re: Sampire
« on: April 14, 2011, 07:10:36 PM »
Ya, do the woodland suit with faction earrings.

UO-Related Tutorials / Re: So You Want To Be A Treasure Hunter?
« on: April 13, 2011, 08:55:37 PM »
Whats the best 6 mod item anyone has received?  I have found some nicer jewelry but nothing that would replace a item I have already.  Its a shame that these items don't seem to break the 500 point cap or has anyone for different?

On a side note has anyone ever got a relic from breaking the stuff down?

General UO Chat / Re: Sampire
« on: April 13, 2011, 02:49:03 PM »
Ditch anat for resist.  IMO resist will make a much better overall experience for any spell casting MoB you happen to fight.  Spawning without it can make for a very bitter champ and the extra damage is quickly negated by having to leave to find a healer after a poor timed mana vamp connects.

Chiv will be a much better skill over SS as the SS is only used for curse weapon.  Do you have a imbuer on that shard?

Scripting Chat / Re: Best fencing wep for medusa
« on: April 12, 2011, 08:31:37 PM »
30 mins in a long time.  I solo her in five or so, but I have a sampire/disco char I bring.  Repond will double your damage as this is her slayer type.  I'd make a big hitter for her like a spear for the AI and bigger damage range.

Hmm, I just looked at the fencing weapons and I'd swap that out for both a spear and leafblade do the same range and either are trumped by an ornate axe.

I'd also add focus to the weapon.

If they truly wanted to suck trillions of gold out of the game, they should have made those housing plots not count against the account that wins them.


I second this thought.

Thought I would give this a try and wow it works like a charm.  I hate to say but it showed me two plots I had missed due to lack of research.  Thanks a bunch for letting all of us use this and good luck to all with the lotto.

UO-Related Tutorials / Re: Making Money with Vendor House Guide
« on: April 01, 2011, 06:22:43 PM »
Nice write up.  I'm all filled with envy over the last few that have been posted and would like to tackle one myself....

Off Topic / Re: Letter I Recived from stratics
« on: March 26, 2011, 11:27:20 AM »
Shame that stratics is the only place the dev team ever seems to post.  I can only wonder what kick back they receive from locking every post that isn't made by the cheerleader squad.

General UO Chat / Re: Best Tame
« on: March 02, 2011, 08:22:40 AM »
Is that calculator even accurate.... I thought it was deemed flawed?

I thought Dragons that were released when GD's were introduced were stronger than the latter ones. Has that changed and now there are some good ones? Some of the skills on those early Dragons were extremely high.

I'll have to check mine but I rarely log onto any of my tamers these days. All I used to play was a tamer.

Toptwo and ST are the real experts when it comes to UO's familiars.

I know a few of my guildies have GD's with 1000+ hps and they have told me that you cannot get this anymore.  Something to do with curse or blessing....who knows as there is more bugs and "features" then I shall ever know about.

General UO Chat / Re: Pirate Banner...How cool is this!?
« on: February 14, 2011, 06:36:58 PM »
Black dye tub.  Hardest part is finding the correct two bones that cross each other.  There is a house at Napa yew gate which has this using a oaks skull for the third bone.  You have to secure the banner to raise it and then its just locking the bones down in the correct order, raising them and dying the banner after.

If there's questions you'd like to ask about parts of the script, then feel free to fire away.  Trust me, that's not mooching.  Take a look at the heartwood quester thread to see what true mooching is all about.  hehe

All we were making sure of is you don't post the whole script, but you're welcome to ask questions and solicit advice from the members here.

I remember the old HW quester from the days of winuo or what ever sorrowmasters(hackyourlife?) site was.  I just feel bad when I think about how long I've been a member of some of the boards and it shocks me that I know so little...anyways I've had a good go at changing it to do something else I wanted which has lead me down a good path.  Thanks for the kind words of encouragement, it's greatly appreciated. 

Script Name: The Lightning Striker
; Author: ProFF7.

All I want to do is change the last line at the end after it triggers Lighting Strike to then wait 5 seconds then AI, wait 5 and back to LS.  I seemed to get it to work but not as smooth as I wanted, I'm sure that I am just typing in something wrong.  I added a wait 5 after the then the event macro for primary weapon.  I think I just need to review it again and it should work just's annoying to come onto the site after scripting has been out for so many years and mooch such simple information.  Sorry to be such a leech  :-[

I shall try and send him a PM and see if I have some luck.  Thanks for the replies.  I think I can figure it out but I don't want to hack job this rather clean looking set up, if ya know what I mean.

I have a old script that I am sure is still on those boards but I want to ask some advise on modding it do something different. I'm far from a expert on doing such but just want to see if I am on the correct path.  Is this cool?

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