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Messages - Pearls

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Welcome aboard :)

New member introductions / Re: I'm new here
« on: December 12, 2014, 03:50:47 AM »
Welcome aboard :)

New member introductions / Re: I'm new here
« on: December 09, 2014, 01:39:13 PM »
Tell us what made you quit the game before :) How's the state of Drachenfels these days? You should try Europa if your connection is good on Drachenfels :)

Twisted weald satyr for the last 5 points :(

Bought up skill from thief guildmaster (New Haven) and then trained lockpicking to 95 flawlessly.
Would like to give some statistics but lost track of the total time. Used 2.524 lockpicks.

Thanks XII :)

New member introductions / Re: Hello everyone
« on: December 05, 2014, 03:55:12 AM »
Welcome aboard!

Crafting / Re: MeWon's Tailor BOD Sorter-er
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:30:41 AM »
I tried this out today and after doing a couple of hundred bods without hickups my backpack suddenly became filled with bods.
Apparently i forgot to add the "Oops" bod book (this was mentioned in this thread but not in the script itself).

Attached is the guilty bod who didnt pass the scoring system.
Large bod, 15 exceptional, 4 types (jester hat, jester suit, cloak, shoes)

This large bod received a score of 111222. The reward for this bod is 40% +5 scroll, 30%/30% on both tapestries.
The below code probably needs some tweaking. Maybe someone more proficient with bods can tell me the best way to modify this?

Code: [Select]
if Shoes in #property && skullcap notin #property
set %score %score + 1000

_C2_ Script Library / Re: C2's Lobster and Crab Farmer
« on: November 30, 2014, 07:53:05 AM »
Hi C_2....... am having a problem with crabber.......been havingthis problem on and off but tonigt its all the tme.  when I start the script it works till its suppose to recall off my key, then it tells me boat is positioned wrong, but its not, its been in the same place for months.......any idea how to fix it?     Remember I told ya I was going to keep running his forever, and I am doing just that, but now I can't get it to work.......

Is the boat facing north?

Script Debug / Re: Have you ever done this....
« on: November 29, 2014, 03:54:30 PM »
Do we have any forum titles for this unlawfull amount of teasing?

Yea i already am using a broad range of things it can pick up and was prett sure we werent able to do it. But ya never know with TM hehe!

Suppose i want to loot rings & bracelets who have SSI 10 and maximum 1 other mod.

Don't think it's supported but can we add e.g. maximum 1-2 properties total as a rule?

I had to go digging into the code a bit to get this impressive puppy (Version: V5.04) barking :)

1. The commented code for setting up characters was somewhat confusing. Here's a replacement suggestion.
Maybe you can add in examples for the character names as there weren't any.

Code: [Select]
; ** Setup Character Template/s
; Add a character
; ;gosub SetCharColors SkinTone ShirtColor PantColor HairColor FacialHairColor (currently not functional, do not uncomment)
; gosub AddCharacter %Name %Sex %Race %Type %HairStyle %FacialHair %CancelNewbieTour
; Name
; Sex
;    Male, Female
; Race
;    Human, Elf (Gargoyle not supported)
; Type
;    Samurai, Paladin, Warrior, BlackSmith, Ninja, Necromancer, Mage (Advanced Character Type Not currently Supported!!!)
; Hairstyle - enter the number (e.g. ponytail = 4)
;    Human 1-10: None, short, long, ponytail, mohawk, pageboy, topknot, curly, receding, 2tails
;    Elf 1-9 : None, midlong, longfeather, short, mullet, long, topknot, longbraid , spiked
; FacialHair (Human and male only)
;   1-8 Goatee, longbeard, shortbeard, mostache, shortbead/mostache, longbeach/mostache, vandyke
; CancelNewbieTour
;    Set this to #TRUE as it no longer exists  

Also in the sub AddCharacter the parameters weren't listed the same as above causing some debugging confusion hehe.
So i changed this:

Code: [Select]
Sub AddCharacter %Name %Type %race %sex %HairStyle %FacailHair %CancelNewbieTour
Into this:

Code: [Select]
Sub AddCharacter %Name %Sex %Race %Type %HairStyle %FacialHair %CancelNewbieTour
2. The gump for 6 month vet reward did not get closed so i looked into that and changed generic gump GRI to YYEB.

Code: [Select]
set %GumpGeneric     YYEB     ; this is the Vet Reward/6 month stat increase gump
3. The character name was being entered with N/A. Apparently the %charloop was set to 7 i think it was? Can't remember. So changed that back to 1 and that got it looping correctly again through the different character names.

Code: [Select]
Sub ActionLoop
  set %Menu Reset
  GoSub ActionLoopHeader
  set %CharLoop 1 ; 1 ; get rid off
  set %MaxChars 7  ; get rid off - temp added

4. The script slowed down at the starting location map. It was checking for the wrong gump type so it went through the 4 selection attempts.
So converted it to normal_gump which was already listed below it commented out :D

Code: [Select]
Set !SelectionAttempts 0
      Set !SelectionAttempts !SelectionAttempts + 1
      Click !x !y
      gosub gumpwait FOR N/A %GumpNewCharMap normal_gump 5000
      ;gosub gumpwait FOR N/A %GumpNewChar2 normal_gump 5000
    Until #Result = #True || !SelectionAttempts > 4 || %Signincontinue = #False

I'll post if i find anything else :)

Misc. Scripts / Re: Redrums Pet Name Changer
« on: November 18, 2014, 02:12:52 PM »

Misc. Scripts / Re: Redrums Pet Name Changer
« on: November 18, 2014, 01:43:23 AM »
Why can't i see the script?

You are not worthy!

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