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Messages - OMGBurgers

Pages: 1 ... 32 33 [34] 35 36
General UO Chat / Re: Provo and Discord
« on: August 15, 2008, 02:53:39 PM »
I so miss killing people, stealing thier boat key, recalling on it and waiting for them just to kill them again on thier boat hahaha.

General UO Chat / Re: Provo and Discord
« on: August 15, 2008, 02:43:16 PM »
If you play cat's I could help ya ;P  My tamer is red so I can only tame things in fel also.

Don't put em in a house at all.  I had like 60 Cu Sidhe in my house for training and left them there after I 120' Discordance cause I was lazy.  Someone paged about it while I was at work (Not logged in), And I still got suspended ;(

haha yeah the book will be nice.  I'm getting sick of switching windows to my web browser, especially since i like to operate in full screen ;(

I'm kind of stuck on what i want to do with this gridview but i think i know why.  I configured the datasource & all before runtime w/ wuerybuilder but I think to be able to do what I want to do I need to configure that all during runtime or something.  I duno haha I did it on another page but for a single table, but I used querybuilder to build this so I'm not sure now to do all that in code yet, guess i'll learn.  I did do some coding finally on my own.  Learned the while, for and all decently.

It's fun though.  Soon as I get this stupid thing done I think before going into more c# i'm going to try to format everything better.  everything is all wierd looking and colums are all bad and get set to whatever they want width wise ;(

Bleh I searched all my tabs & can't find nowhere for port settings.  I guess that's the drawback of the free zonealarm!  I only have program control that I know of.

Ok we have a cable connection here w/ wireless router.  Everything is wireless except our playstation.  We connect through the router & i have configured two PC's to use the same workgroup name, allow file sharing so I can access files between the two.  With zonealarm off everything works fine.  With zonealarm on I cant access the other computer, nor access the one running zonealarm.  It's a pain to shut off zonealarm every time I want to access my script library ;(

Anyone know what program/proccess I need to set the proper access to?  Or is it another setting I need to adjust?


Yeah I'm going to have to buy a book shortly haha.  There is enough well written tutorials/documentation of mvwd on which coveres most everything in the software, and a large variety if not about all the controls.  So I got enough to currently cover me since right now I just want to handle mostly a database, maintain it, display it, & allow actions based on table values etc. But I find it hard to find some good c# on the net that isn't 90% random rambling (I wana get straight to the point haha) so I lose intrest in finding help fast.

I decided for a first project for learning I should pick something that I want the project to do, so I have goals to meet.  So I choose to do something UO related that was somewhat simple.  Then I decided to just replicate the website.  I figure my application can do everything thiers can, from there I just expand upon it, make it more user friendly etc.

At the moment I only have just the basics.  Sign up/register, login/out, user control panel (basic settings like display email, icq, aim, pw change etc.), admin pages to maintain the whole user base & other parts.  From there I created a user list like the member list on this page & that's where i stopped.

I'm going to create the buy/sell/trade sections now & get all the posting up for that.  I'd like to keep them seperate from the actual forum system, but still link everything together obviously (user info, post count etc.).  But the 'forum' part will obviously have a bunch more options & view settings.

My problem now is I would like to do custom series of data access, display, modifications etc. based on user interaction, but I haven't learned enough c# to do so.  It's all basic really since its only access/display/modification/adding to data lol.  I really need to learn the basics now of how things are structured.  The only thing that is the same that I know from like vb is like a simple if statement haha.  But now i need to learn how a basic for, loop, while etc.

Hopefully I can afford to buy a book soon since I'm not working again cause of this move haha.  Books made learning VB along time ago really easy.  Since I understand a lot from doing years of vb/scripting it'll be easier since i'm not completely new to 'programming' haha.  I just gota learn the c# language.

Oh well I'm slowly making progress in it.  I just wish it was as easy as scripting for uo is for me hahaha :P

Off Topic / Re: Letter/Email sent to Jeremy D.
« on: August 14, 2008, 04:28:06 PM »
usually when I talk to someone, somehow the term "back in the day"....
I've heard rumors that a 1 or 2 character slot shard is in the works... if this shard goes live.. I may have a new home.   

It was done years ago, siege ;)

Off Topic / Re: Letter/Email sent to Jeremy D.
« on: August 14, 2008, 04:27:35 PM »
I don't think merging shards could accomplish too much.  The main thing it would do is put players 'closer' together.  Which would be both a good thing & a bad thing depending on the player.  For me personally if that happened I would just leave & not come back.  Why?  Well I could go on & on but it's mainly about me & my preferences.  I don't play a "dead" shard either, but it's not an Atlantic either lol.

I think uo is mostly a grind in getting items, raising skills, etc.  Once you get all those or work them, there just really isnt any 'real' systems to compete/participate in.  Factions could be one but it is dead and STILL gives a huge restriction (Skill loss in a completely now skill based game...  Seriously, 80-90 in skill during stat loss = go idle afk for 20min or so).  From there guilds/alliances, and player vendors.  But it's just not enough.  

I think UO should focus on more things for player participation (besides crappy ass events that are drug on and repeatitive lol).  Good/Evil, Chaos/Order revamped and all systems have a total different thing then another for endless combinations or whatever.  

.NET Programming / Re: Looking for quick help haha.
« on: August 14, 2008, 09:15:28 AM »
I can't wait to get started with the C# tutorials.  Then I won't have this problem hopefully haha.  3 pages of this stuff left.  I wana learn the c# after I set up all this basic crap so I can go back in and fine tune all these arguments, add in more, etc.  So long as I know it functions now I'm set lol.

.NET Programming / Re: Looking for quick help haha.
« on: August 13, 2008, 10:26:01 PM »
And just to tripple post....

It works! hah.

It loads them up perfectly.  I don't really know exactly how i came up with that since i have no clue what that <string> part means ;(.  All I know is it returns a value as far as the location of the rolecheckbox.text inside the selecteduserroles string.

Eh oh well.  One day ill laugh at this!

.NET Programming / Re: Looking for quick help haha.
« on: August 13, 2008, 10:16:11 PM »
Ok so I came up with this:

if (Array.IndexOf<string>(selectedUsersRoles, RoleCheckBox.Text) != -1)

I went ahead and ran it and had no errors so no idea... lol.  I'll do the next part real quick which sets the roles & give it a go and see if it loads correctly.

.NET Programming / Looking for quick help haha.
« on: August 13, 2008, 09:28:50 PM »
I'm following this C# tutorial for doing some user roles setting in my database and it gives me the following code:
(Line 13 is the trouble line)
Code: [Select]
1     private void CheckRolesForSelectedUser()
2     {
3          // Determine what roles the selected user belongs to
4          string selectedUserName = UserList.SelectedValue;
5          string[] selectedUsersRoles = Roles.GetRolesForUser(selectedUserName);
7          // Loop through the Repeater's Items and check or uncheck the checkbox as needed
8          foreach (RepeaterItem ri in UsersRoleList.Items)
9          {
10               // Programmatically reference the CheckBox
11               CheckBox RoleCheckBox = ri.FindControl("RoleCheckBox") as CheckBox;
12               // See if RoleCheckBox.Text is in selectedUsersRoles
13               if (selectedUsersRoles.Contains<string>(RoleCheckBox.Text))
14                    RoleCheckBox.Checked = true;
15               else
16                    RoleCheckBox.Checked = false;
17          }
18     }

Well I punch it in and run it and I get a error "'System.Array' does not contain a definition for 'Contains'" (Line 13)

Well the tutorial then says:
Note: The selectedUserRoles.Contains<string>(...) syntax will not compile if you are using ASP.NET version 2.0. The Contains<string> method is part of the LINQ library, which is new to ASP.NET 3.5. If you are still using ASP.NET version 2.0, use the Array.IndexOf<string> method instead.

So I click the link to that array.indexof thing and I just can't figure it out haha.

I've changed that line 13 to something like:
Code: [Select]
if (Array.IndexOf<string>(selectedUsersRoles, RoleCheckBox.Text))

But I know it's still not right.  I haven't really covered much of the C# itself yet, I just realized that I didn't complete a few pages of this tutorial in & want to do it haha.

Scripting Chat / Re: Movement with cancelation.
« on: August 13, 2008, 04:59:49 PM »
I'll learn about them then on my next script that requires multi script communication via global variables ;P

I always knew the * variables went into registry, so I always used the same ones over and over.  But if I don't need to use them at all that will be even better lol.

haha i have no idea either.

I learned vb years back and i always indented like that.  my father has programmed longer than ive been alive and i asked him how he does it, and he does it the way scriptuo and all this c# and all does.  So I have no idea why I do it this way.

On another note I'm off for pure c# tutorials as I have covered everything I need for the moment in the asp & sql for my needs until I get into developing other sections of this project.

General UO Chat / Re: Quick! What's a Gelatinous Cube?
« on: August 13, 2008, 04:49:47 PM »
The blobs I remember are from a game I played when I was younger called Dungeons of the Unforgiven.

A few times a year I get into playing the rougelikes Angband/Zangband/TOME which I bet have them in it LOL...

edit: lol

Checked TOME's monster file.....
N:286:Gelatinous cube
D:It is a strange, vast gelatinous structure that assumes cubic proportions
D:as it lines all four walls of the corridors it patrols. Through its
D:transparent jelly structure you can see treasures it has engulfed, and a
D:few corpses as well.

And the beast itself!!

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