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Messages - seeriusly

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Resource Farming / Re: Seerius High Seas Land Fisher v1.5
« on: November 05, 2011, 05:53:30 PM »
Congratulations your Script has been moved to the script library
(if you dont think the section is appropriate please pm me)
Thank you for your submission

Sweet, Thank you!

works great ! thanks ever so much for the time and effort you put in

Thanks for your feedback.  Enjoy!

Television/Movies / Re: Planet of Dinosaurs trailer (1977)
« on: October 18, 2011, 05:20:25 PM »
yeah, her last paparazzi pics wern't a hit...

Television/Movies / Re: Planet of Dinosaurs trailer (1977)
« on: October 17, 2011, 06:42:57 PM »
Damn, that's oldschool...  got me all interested at about 0:58 ...

Off Topic / 5 Creepy Ways Video Games Are Trying to Get You Addicted
« on: October 14, 2011, 04:17:29 PM »
Found on Uhall...  Interesting read.  With a direct reference to UO.

Scripting Chat / Re: In Need of 3 ID's (High Sea's required)
« on: October 08, 2011, 02:50:59 PM »
Black Powder: AFZ  color: 1109
Charcoal: AFZ  color: 1190
Potash: AFZ  color: 1102

Script Debug / Re: Penny Bod Swapper error
« on: October 07, 2011, 03:44:37 PM »
The fixes are all mentioned there.  Only the fix which opens beetles backpack isn't fixed yet.  I have been playing with it, yesterday in fact, and can't get the beetle pack to open for the life of me.

Scripting Tutorials / Re: A simple Analogy to help understand namespaces.
« on: October 06, 2011, 06:41:53 PM »
Yes, exactly! And %0 will be the number of those vars that are used to call the code...

 %0 ???  well just when I thought I had it, you throw in a %0 that isn't even visible there?

so going by the previous example...  If there was %6 introduced to the sub... to eat an apple after recall.

you could write it like this:

gosub TM_NewCastSpell 5 31 !rbook 10 20 20

and stick a 5 in front of the 31 and it would not even worry about the %6 variable that was set?

Scripting Tutorials / Re: A simple Analogy to help understand namespaces.
« on: October 06, 2011, 05:40:44 PM »
Okay...  So I guess it's just a way to organize variables. Now...  Might we use a sub of TM's then as example?
Code: [Select]
; %1 = spell number
; %2 = #TARGETID or SELF or NONE
; %3 = retry count (-1 = cast until successful)
; %4 = cast delay
; %5 = recovery delay
sub TM_NewCastSpell
  namespace push
  namespace local NCS
  set !lpc #LPC
  set #LPC 100
  set !whichspell %1
  set !whichtarget %2
  set !castretrymax %3
  set !waitdelay %4
  set !recovery_delay %5
In this snip from his recall sub, the %1 - %5 throws me off I guess.  But now I am thinking that those variables he sets are just ways to call the sub a different way easier by just changing the actual gosub line.  For instance...

Code: [Select]
gosub TM_NewCastSpell 31 !rbook 10 20 20 

He could've added %6 as a variable.


Code: [Select]
; %6 = eat apple after recall

set !eatapple %6

the new sub would be called like this:

Code: [Select]
gosub TM_NewCastSpell 31 !rbook 10 20 20 #TRUE
if somewhere in the sub he programmed the %6

Code: [Select]
if %6 = #TRUE
finditem apple in pack
eat it
etc, etc

Off Topic / Re: this is a little insane .. train surfin in india
« on: October 06, 2011, 05:08:22 PM »
My guess is that those guys don't make many more videos. *thump*

Scripting Tutorials / Re: A simple Analogy to help understand namespaces.
« on: October 06, 2011, 04:04:10 PM »
Thank you EN for taking the time to help.  I tried to wrap my skull around that analogy, but...

Why would I want to use different boxes?

Would i want a box for each sub and name them like you did in your analogy as "namespace local Testbox" (a subs variables) and have "namespace local Testbox2" (another subs variables) ?

I tried to find one of your subs in the public library, so that maybe you might break it down a bit more, and noticed you don't use namespaces in any of them.  lol...  :-\

Site News / Re: SUO Contest!
« on: October 05, 2011, 06:25:21 PM »
Nice job on your images Seeriusly I like's gotta the Origin We create Worlds theme going for it.

Thanks Ultima.  I was going for the world-wide theme, and space-esque, cause every time I am trying to write a little script to help me do things in game, it feels like my brain is being abducted. 

The "impossible triangle" theme fits that scenario too...  Since the last thing I was trying to understand was namespaces.

Script Debug / Re: Hey my first script in the making! Please help lol
« on: October 04, 2011, 09:01:05 PM »
I agree.  Congrats Monoxide... there is A LOT to learn. 

 Laymens terms FTW!  I don't know much, and sure would like to see more examples of code, torn down and interpreted line by line, variable by variable... In english, not computer science.  That would be awesome.  I spent about 3 hours shredding through google, trying to learn a little more about namespaces.  I got almost nowhere,  I am sure if it were explained in english, I could figure it out eventually, with a little help from the natives...  But I got lost on a programming site that was trying to teach me java script, and C++ and some other stuff that wont help me sleep tonight.


Script Debug / Re: Hey my first script in the making! Please help lol
« on: October 03, 2011, 04:24:33 PM »
Yes, recall a good recall sub is key.

As for being able to buy from the npc, look up exevent popup , and then contpos and click. 

When I started learning, I'd find scripts that do the same type of thing, or at least has something similar in their code, then learn how they coded it and know what all the code does, then adjust it to your preferences.  You could find a script that clicks a blue beetle, or donates, or something of the like.

Script Debug / Re: Gump changes, I'm a newbie!
« on: September 27, 2011, 09:20:57 PM »
Sorry I misworded.

Therefore... if the gump is at #contposx: 30  and #contposy: 30 on your screen, then  you are just adding 30 to each coordinate where the button is within the gump.

That's what i meant to say.  And here I was trying to write in plain non-scripted human code that makes sense.


Script Debug / Re: Need a little advice with a bod script
« on: September 27, 2011, 07:45:14 PM »
The answer is on page 28 of that scripts thread, posted by EZartie... Unless you have already made those changes.  Just change the numbers they are talking about.

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