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Messages - JustAnotherFace

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General UO Chat / Re: Throwing Stars and Darts
« on: August 09, 2011, 10:06:02 AM »
I am not sure about the skill level thing, but for sure you can use both fukiyas and shurikens with a thrower.  You do not equip the tube or the belt, you can simply have them in your pack and make a macro to use item type to use them. I have 120 Ninja skill and use them both all the time on my thrower.


Jokes! / Re: A funny look back on life before cell phones etc.
« on: August 08, 2011, 07:47:50 PM »
And if you "acted up" in public, you got your ass beaten. No discussion, no wait till we get home, no stand in the corner... you got beaten right then and there, no matter WHERE you were or who was around watching.  In fact, other adults EXPECTED your parents to keep you in check while you were in public.

We respected any and all adults, because if we didn't and our parents found out... well see my first point!

We got paddled in school for misbehaving... and the teacher would call your house and tell your parents, so when we got home you got beaten again for having to get a paddling at school.

We worked and saved up our pennies for the things that we wanted extra.  We didnt have 1/100th of the stuff that kids now have and the stuff we did have was not just handed to us, we had to learn the value of money.

If you back talked mom, you got a switching.... THEN of course she told Dad when he got home and you got a whooping from him because you made her have to switch you.

You didn't even THINK about back talking Dad... at least not where he could even imagine that he heard something, else you may have a few loose teeth from the backhand across the lips.

We went to school and we actually were expected to study and learn... Man what a concept.

When we got home from school, we sat down and did homework before doing anything else... then we did all our chores, then if there was any time left we could play.

We had 2 or maybe 3 pairs of blue jeans at the most, with a hand full of shirts, one pair of everyday shoes and if we were lucky, one pair of "Sunday shoes".

We knew better than to butt in on any "grown up" conversation. It didn't matter if your leg had ben cut off and you were holding it on with your hands, you waited until the adults were finished talking before you dared say anything, else you may lose a hunk of ass along with the leg.

We took brown paper grocery bags and cut them and made book covers for all our school books every year.

Ahhh the good ole days!!


Scripting Chat / Re: #LPC
« on: August 07, 2011, 12:17:04 PM »
Thanks JaF, already read all that. What I'm wondering is how some of our talent actually utilizes it. Why? Where?

Sorry 12, that was directed mainly at Gimlet who asked what LPC was.  I unfortunately can not add much more useful information to this.


Scripting Chat / Re: #LPC
« on: August 07, 2011, 07:59:50 AM »
Correction... the default is 10 LPC.  As seen in the EUO command reference page:

The LinesPerCycle command sets the number of lines that the EasyUO parser runs through for every cycle. The default value is 10 and is reset when you stop the script.
Cheffe's description of lines per cycle, and cycles per second:

"EUO has 20 cycles per second and in each cycle it executes 10 lines (default). Some commands have built in waits so that the script speed slows down considerably.
You can't say that one command is faster than the other. EUO gives away most of the available processing time so that the UO client can have it.
EUO doesn't know the difference between a processing intensive task such as "finditem *" at WBB or a simple "set %x 3". While 10 lines per cycle is already too fast if you have 10 finditems in a row you could execute hundreds of set instructions in the same time without stressing the CPU."

Read here:

Quote from Cheffe:

Hmmm, maybe I should explain this a bit better:

EUO has 20 cycles per second and in each cycle it executes 10 lines (default). Some commands have built in waits so that the script speed slows down considerably.

You can't say that one command is faster than the other. EUO gives away most of the available processing time so that the UO client can have it.

EUO doesn't know the difference between a processing intensive task such as "finditem *" at WBB or a simple "set %x 3". While 10 liens per cycle is already too fast if you have 10 finditems in a row you could execute hundreds of set instructions in the same time without stressing the CPU.

I'm working on a concept that'll estimate the needed processing time for each command and speed up execution for commands that need virtually no time at all (so that you can execute more of those per cycle).

You can already do that now using linespercycle. If you use this command wisely you can speed up execution speed in parts of the script where a lot of time is wasted and slow down execution in parts that are more difficult for the CPU.

I hope that clears it up.

Also, an advanced tutorial on LPC posted by Cheffe can be found here:


Scripting Chat / Re: #LPC
« on: August 07, 2011, 07:56:06 AM »
Lines Per Cycle.... basically it tells the script how fast to execute the lines in the script following that LPC# command, and continues executing the script at that speed until you reset it to something else.  It has been a long time since I have played with it, but if I remember correctly LPC# 100 is the standard speed at which all script lines execute without using the LPC# command. 

Ok, uploaded the revised donate code from Frneo.  New version that includes donate is 3.6.1 and is located on the first page of this thread.

Thanks again Frneo for your code!


Version 3.6 Posted up on this threads main page.  This version includes the donation to library code from Frneo. Thank you Frneo for your time and your code!!

Also thanks to TM for his runebook recall subs and his journal scan subs!


Hmmm... should we release this or not?...... Well, it is not game breaking or anything like that. And several people have asked for it, but my work has simply not allowed me the time to implement it into the script and test it out. I think it definitely adds value to the script so considering all those things..... I guess we can release it.  I will of course properly credit you and TM for both of your codes. 

I again have not tested this code, but I have walked through it and it looks ok to me.  As with any code or versions of scripts, everyone please test it and post up your findings. 


Version 3.5.1 uploaded includes Frneo's code to craft pens. I do not have a scribe with tinkering to test the code, so please try out the new version and provide feedback.



Used this recently train up scribe across all my accounts. Just a little note on how FREAKIN AWESOME THIS SCRIPT IS!!!! Thank you brother..

Thanks Snake!!  As always shoot me any suggestions, and when I have time I will try to implement them.  And btw, thanks buddy for being my crash test dummy on many of my scripts!


No Problem Frneo, glad you are getting some use from the script.  I may just add in a pen tinkering option to the script, not something anyone has asked for before except for during the last week my friend Snake asked the same question.  If I do put it in the script and if use any of your code I will credit it to you in the script for the contribution.

Thanks for the input!!


Damn!  How do they walk with those things??  They would look much better lying down on my bed....just saying...


Script development tools / Re: Cerv's Insure It Sub
« on: July 13, 2011, 04:15:25 AM »
"Oh yeah, I've been using one I wrote for years"


Combat/Healing/Looting / Re: LAME 2.1
« on: July 12, 2011, 01:35:51 PM »
The item type it was attacking was XU I removed that from my copy of the author's 2.0 script.  Looks like the author removed it himself from the 2.1 version of his script.


Combat/Healing/Looting / Re: LAME 2.1
« on: July 12, 2011, 09:31:19 AM »
I had the same problem with attacking elves.  I found and removed the ID that was causing the problem... however, at the moment I do not recall which ID that was.  I am at work so I can not compare my version with yours to see which ID it is that causes the problem.  When I get home I will let you know.


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