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Messages - Grandewd

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Sorry, I'm on Siege.... can't do that.

Curious as to whether anyone has modified this to work with a gargoyle that has a beetle but can't ride it?  My crafter is gargoyle and I'm trying to avoid raising carpentry on another char just to do the carpenter quests.....

Misc. Scripts / Re: GBot - Global Bot
« on: March 11, 2014, 09:24:26 PM »
Hey Cerveza, this thing really needs to be over in the Combat/Healing/Looting section!  I modified it to have my stealth/mage heal me when I need it - and it functions perfectly.  Well done!  ;)

Dunno for sure... All I can tell you is that I timed out twice for inactivity before I switched to hiding....  I'm convinced it depends on how much player/mob activity is in your area.  I could probably sit at luna bank for 1/2 hr...  ;)

Gim was just reminding everyone that he's got a castle on Siege.  Pass it on.  ;)
Oh yea, and I had one on Pacific till I got bored and went to Siege last summer.... Sold it a month or so ago.  After 14yrs on Pac, Siege is home now.

Tell me about Rift, TM....

Cool, just switched my fighter over to a mage yesterday. Going to go ahead and run lockpicking tonight after dinner depending on how many resources I have for getting the right tinkering levels.

Oh, and see if your char times out because of "inactivity".  I ended up switching out opening backpack to triggering a hide every 3 mins on Siege (since the timer is 12mins from 90 to 100)...
It's actually set to open your backpack every minute or so while waiting, is that not working? LOL, I guess I'll find out.

Yes, but if you're doing this in your secluded home with little "outside" activity (ie not sitting at luna bank) then UO's "inactivity" code kicks in and opening a backpack isn't sufficient apparently.  I changed it to hiding every couple of mins and I don't timeout any more...

Cool, just switched my fighter over to a mage yesterday. Going to go ahead and run lockpicking tonight after dinner depending on how many resources I have for getting the right tinkering levels.

Oh, and see if your char times out because of "inactivity".  I ended up switching out opening backpack to triggering a hide every 3 mins on Siege (since the timer is 12mins from 90 to 100)...

I'll hopefully be running on one of my SP chars by this afternoon.

If ya need anything - PM me

I have resources on Siege, so include me in on the "If ya need anything - PM me" list....  ;)

Works great, but once I got to 70 it doesn't recognize that I'm on Siege and keeps picking after gains...

*** Edit: ***
Ok, I found the problem. 
In your Sub Skillcheck change set !RoTShards Siege_Perilous  to  set !RoTShards Siege
             it doesn't like the underscore between Siege and Perilous
then change  if #Shard in !RoTShards && !CurrentSkill >= 700 && !GainedSkill > !LastGain
to  if !RoTShards in #Shard && !CurrentSkill >= 700 && !GainedSkill > !LastGain

Works great now... I'm guessin' you didn't have a Siege char to test it with...
Great script, btw..

Misc. Scripts / Re: Cerv's UOXL Swap Bot
« on: February 14, 2014, 09:56:12 PM »
This thing is just elegant... Thanks Cerveza.  ;)

Script Debug / Re: Is it possible
« on: February 14, 2014, 11:30:23 AM »
A global variable to control a pause, of course... Another reason to continue my learning of namespace globals... Thanks TM.

Hey TM,

I've used this fantastic looter for quite a while now, and probably never tried to have it carve corpses before - but it's not doing that.  I have checked Carve Corpse, but it's not using my dagger.
I'm presently working my way thru it.  It does set %carvetool properly for dagger's, but that's as far as I've gotten so far...

**Edit**  Nm... I just set %carvetool at the top and it's working fine now....  :-\

Script Debug / Is it possible
« on: February 13, 2014, 07:33:11 PM »
Is it possible to have one script pause another script?

Script Debug / Re: Help me understand why this doesn't always work...
« on: February 05, 2014, 10:08:36 PM »
Thanks for helping me understand why this happens, and for giving me direction.  I appreciate it...

Script Debug / Re: Help me understand why this doesn't always work...
« on: February 05, 2014, 12:11:41 AM »
#nextcontposx or whatever the command was

Have you ever looked at what the current container is while things are changing on the screen ingame?  I mean, even the numbers that float up when damage is being taken are shown as containers. (Damage is even in the name of the container   :)  )

So, nextCPos has never been worth much considering how often the client sees stuff as a container, since at any given moment the next container can (and more often than not, does) change...

What continues to confuse me is how event macro 50 3 can be responsible for opening a healthbar (container), and yet - when you use #contpos the moment after you invoke event macro 50 3  - it will virtually always ignore that container {healthbar} if it was already open and moves on to whatever last container had the focus. But if it's not open prior to invoking 50 3, it always treats it as the last open container...  

And I just don't see how that works...

*** Edit ***  I'm now wondering if event macro 50 3 (in addition to popping open the healthbar) also sets it as the last container open - but it doesn't do this if it is already open???  Could this be the case?

Script Debug / Re: Help me understand why this doesn't always work...
« on: February 04, 2014, 09:13:41 PM »
Try turning off the Targetting System and turning it back on when it does that.

Good thought, manwinc, but the result is the same.

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