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Messages - KaliOfLS

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Off Topic / Re: What Star Wars character are you?
« on: February 01, 2014, 01:15:48 AM »
Luke Filewalker.  Err. Skywalker.

OpenEUO Scripts / Re: Kali's Bod Sorter for openEUO
« on: December 23, 2013, 03:07:42 PM »
Yeah, I did this to prevent someone from not setting a bod to a bin and then when the script runs, the result would be a nil key in the hash table.  You should be able to open the save file in my creator, select the orphaned or KBS bin, apply the ones you want to which bins, then save it.  The script auto deletes empty bins from the index.  If you reopen it, the KBS_orphaned or whatever won't even show up as a bin anymore.

New member introductions / Re: Ycon Intruduction
« on: December 23, 2013, 07:49:00 AM »
Welcome to SUO Ycon!

OpenEUO Scripts / Re: Kali's Bod Sorter for openEUO
« on: December 23, 2013, 06:43:20 AM »
Sorry Nel,  Gotta ask you to clarify, don't quite understand. 

You have a bod table saved as KBS or a bin in your bod table saved as KBS?

OpenEUO Scripts / Re: Kali's Bod Sorter for openEUO
« on: December 04, 2013, 05:25:27 PM »
tell me what prints with this:


and then tell me what the full path of your folder is that contains mytailor.txt


General UO Chat / Re: Scripters !!
« on: December 04, 2013, 05:21:15 PM »
He was trying to be funny....They would rather worry what everyone else is doing rather than play the damn game.

Yeah, but it wasn't really funny but confusing to what he was saying.  Too many pronouns and `greater dragons` flying around with one picture and no clear identification he was talking about two different ones, at least to me... haha.

And agreed.  Why not enjoy the game how you want, it's a game..

General UO Chat / Re: Scripters !!
« on: December 04, 2013, 12:26:26 PM »
Don't get what he's saying.

So there was some greater drag walking around killing *bleep* without a master?  (So someone is afk stealth/leading the dragon?)  Then he lured more dragons to kill it?

OpenEUO Scripts / Re: Kali's Bod Sorter for openEUO
« on: December 04, 2013, 10:42:49 AM »
Hey Nel, I lost my laptop harddrive.  Since i had your version saved there (I think since i tested in your building, I had hardcoded a version and sent it to you) it is now gone.

On mine, line 61 could never produce such an error.  The only time an error like this happens is from a dofile on an invalid file name.  That means you are probably missing one of my dependent scripts (like kalilib.lua) or you're missing the bod sorting index you want to use.  your line 61 probably looks like one of these two lines.

Code: [Select]

and if it is the top one, then please also check the line much higher up that looks like:

Code: [Select]
fName = "Bodsorterindex.lua"

and verify that the file name is correct for the bod index you want to use.
Finally, make sure both those files are present int he openEUO root directory/scripts/ folder.  If not, please change the dofile lines to reflect the appropriate location.

Television/Movies / Re: Walking Dead Series still on AMC
« on: December 04, 2013, 10:36:20 AM »
Same here Dx

Spoiler: show

As soon as rick went into his speech about forgiveness and working together I saw it coming.  He was inspired by Herschel and it was kind of a give away that herschel was going to die.  I figured it was going to happen back in the sick ward as well since he was being so damn inspring and all the times the show was emphasizing his positive influence on the group.

I think the kid will be alive, I bet someone on the bus picked it up or michone grabbed it or something. 

I think the little girl loved the zombies at first and feel like it is obvious that she was feeding them rats.  I'm surprised that people don't think it is as obvious as I do.  Back when Carl yelled at her for naming them.  Feeding it a rat is like feeding your pets... Then she probably killed the two sick people (david and eh..) and then carol probably took the blame for the girls.  That wouldn't explain her reaction to when she was thanked by tyresse unless she felt that guilty for lying about it.

I think tyresse will forgive the girl after she saves his life and also I think that carol will come back and that she's not gone for good. 

By the way, that was awesome.  My gf and I were so happy to see that dyke bitch (sorry for the language, I still hate her) get shot in the head after she shoots rick.  I also like that her gf regretted instantly the attack!  My favorite scene was the guy that hops out of the tank and Daryll is waiting for him with his xbow.  The guy tries to ask for mercy.  None!  I do wish he would have cocked off and said something to the effect, this is what you wanted, we already tried to avoid this.

So glad that, despite losing the prison, most of that *bleep* camp got owned.  I'm also glad the governor was alive to see his actions caused the death of that girl (however innocent she and tragic her death was).  I'm glad that michone got to stab the governor, for him to see her face, and then for her to leave him in misery.  I had hoped he lived so he could in anguish and guilt for his actions as a punishment, but the mom shooting him in the head was cool too.

Anyway, loved the episode.  I wished we hadn't spent the two previous episodes solely on the governor, not because I don't like him, but because his story wasn't that interesting and his character doesn't have the charisma for that much time.  I'd rather have seen more going on at the prison for one episode and a two episode long conflict. 

Television/Movies / Re: Walking Dead Series still on AMC
« on: November 26, 2013, 08:11:32 AM »
So now whats witht he Governor is he softening up now or showing his real side?

I don't know that we just watched the same episodes?

Did you see the very last one?  I think we're seeing his real [crazy] side.

General UO Chat / Re: need some advice on equiping my miner
« on: November 26, 2013, 06:33:08 AM »
yeah, not a whole lot special.  Get to 100% LRC.  Boomstick/pendant do a lot to help with that but boomstick doesn't have mage weapon property.  Nothing I am wearing is very spectacular but it's designed to max my strength and give me enough boosts in the mana department to allow for non stop recalling.  

I rarely die adn can fireball most low-medium threats to death before it's a problem.  A toxic slith can take me every now and again but jeesh, my gear is just awful.  ;)

OpenEUO Scripts / Re: Kali's Bod Sorter for openEUO
« on: October 21, 2013, 11:32:35 AM »
It's been so long and I'm still 'unemployed' so my time goes to researching positions and applying.  Haven't had time to really give it a good look over again.  I wanted to see if I could make it more 'customizable' friendly, but really I've given you all the power there.  Did you try my index creator?  It should be able to differentiate plate helm.  I think you're going to hard into my script and not enough into the hash table.  My hash function actually includes a collision tester.  You should look at that if you're really looking to rework the hash function/table.  You can simulate the types you parse with their associated value and test it for collisions.  It will warn you if your hash function is invalid for your data set.

Until I figure out my future employment, I will not be able to help out with all of these situations.

OpenEUO Scripts / Re: Kali's Bod Sorter for openEUO
« on: September 09, 2013, 02:13:03 PM »
Okay, I will see about a major update soon.  Much on my hands right now. 

Off Topic / Re: Short UO Hiatus
« on: May 12, 2013, 03:38:38 PM »
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Organic Chemistry. <-- Official
I'm a synthetic chemist with expertise in carbohydrate chemistry, focusing on the roles of those carbohydrates as glycans (biological macromolecules).

Off Topic / Re: Short UO Hiatus
« on: May 07, 2013, 09:12:05 PM »
I successfully defended my dissertation and am now Dr. Kali!!
Hopefully I find time to play more video games :)

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