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Messages - mrirrelavant

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Kane's newbie intro
« on: January 28, 2011, 02:59:57 PM »
Hello all, my main char, if i have one would be Kane on the Napa Valley shard. I started playing uo over 10 years ago. Training a mace fighter at the pk fort and running the loot items back to brit to sell. Slow training magery with blade spirits on ogre lords while trying to obtain silver vanquishers and armor of invulnerability. After a year and a half of 6hrs or more daily i burnt out and took a break. Unfortunately my credit card expired and the new card did not continue with my autopay and my acct was terminated. When i tried to reactivate i was told it was lost so i quit. Years later i was sidelined from work due to an auto accident and started from scratch. It was fun but all the people i knew were 6 years ahead of me so i could not hang in any battles. Then someone introduced me to scripting. A manner in which i could train and catch up to my friends and enjoy playing with them as a contributor instead of an auto-res. Since that day I have really had a blast on uo, the more I learn and the better I get, the more I realize how technical this game can be. So to anyone who reads this I hope that whatever your skill level may be that its always going up.

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