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Messages - jag6927

Pages: [1]
General UO Chat / Re: am i the only one?
« on: November 12, 2008, 07:27:43 PM »
two things come to mind.  The first was five or six bod books all full.  Must have forgotten to lock em down.  GONE.  Then another time i was resizing my house and didnt realize that when u drop it all the chests and everhting inside droped to the ground.  I couldnt replace a house cause all the *bleep* was in the way so i start moving stuff out of the was and along comes a red pk and kills me.  withing minutes his whole zerg guild is looting all my stuff from my chests and all i can do is watch as a ghost.  Lost a ton of stuff.  But oh well, live and learn.

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