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Messages - Matiu23

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: Hi! I'm Matiu23.
« on: January 25, 2012, 04:21:37 AM »
Thank you :)

New member introductions / Hi! I'm Matiu23.
« on: January 24, 2012, 05:36:17 PM »
Hello, I'm Matiu23. I'm 24 years old and come from Poland. I have played UO about 6 years. First played on Polish Shard "Moongate" about 2 years, it was in 2004-2006 if I remember well. Second shard where I played It was "UODreams", It's Italian shard and there without Italian language spend 4 years, 3 years hard playing and 1 year Stagnation. Now I play on PandoraUO, just stared game there month ago.

I played a lot of characters, but most often archer, mage-necro (first PG) and Tamer. Of course I crafted all time, and this is what I like (and love hihih) in this game. I lives for crafting :) I'm bad in PvP but good in craft, Can't have everything :) Second thing what I like in this game is PVM with Tamer, it's what I can do after 6 years playing in this game :)

In real I am student of economy (last year), live in Poland, working and If have free time play UO or another games. UO is the game where I played most any longer. I played in Aion too but It haven't something this what have UO, and I back to UO. Sometimes play in another games, like Battlefield 3 or Battlefield BC2. Sometimes I don't have time to play like everyone :/ And have break for month etc. Now I play only in UO and have fun with it ;)

In the past, I use only trianing scripts or Bods filler scripts. I can't creating any script, I don't understand how it work (how write script).

Writing introduction is the best thing what I meet in forums about games. But a long time ago I don't see this in another forums (another games).  Some people don't give to much but take a lot of hard work from another people. Here I want give big Thank you for all peaople who creating script and give it on forum. I can't have fun with UO and crafting without this people and for this once again BIG THX.

Wow, it's the longest letter what I wrote in English since years. I apologize for all errors, I don't have gift to foreign languages. I try write and speak correct in English but sometimes make horrible errors.

See you on forum if You accept my small letter and Greetings from Poland.

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