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Messages - liebig

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: *Emerges from hiding*
« on: February 08, 2012, 01:05:08 PM »
Thank you! *bows and hands back the Mod-Tools [exceptional]* Well, what shall I say? It's a nasty habit *shrugs*.

*Egg bombs away*



New member introductions / *Emerges from hiding*
« on: February 08, 2012, 03:29:32 AM »

Is this your Arty that happend to land in my backpack?

*Waves and hides*

I am a UO-Addict of the first hour and have always played a (PvP) Rogue/Thief - sadly enough that you have to emphasize the letters "PVP" nowadays... I remember the epic and very silly battles shortly before the server went down right after the server msg at Brit Cemetery, when there was only ONE facet... I remember disarming vanq staffs off wannabe PvPers and poking them with my deadly poisoned newbie dagger... I remember the times when mages ran in full plate brandishing halberds... I remember the Banana Boyz on Chessy... I remember getting ganked *lol* I remember stealing lots and lots of house deeds (before they were made unstealable) and placing 5 houses on ONE account... I remember tons of demons IN BRIT right at the end of beta... Ah good old times...

Now that I am back in the game a lot of stuff is new. Whats up with all that focus on items and the right armor? In my times skill (and ping) was all that really mattered. Back then macroing meant jamming a paper clip in your keyboard... hrhrhr.

Not much to steal nowadays... but well... one survives somehow on Power Scrolls and Stuff ;)

Are there still REAL Thieves in the game? (and NO, stealing Arties has nothing to do with being a Rogue!)

*Fades away in the shadows*

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