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Messages - mafiastyle87

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I'll have to look when i get home - i know it was enough for it to take like 7 seconds now instead of 2 or 3 like i had before lol.

Thanks guys, think it is working just the way i needed it now.

BTW on the omit 50 stones... I just made:

OMIT: 50 Stones

And it is not grabbing those items

You have to be VERY careful with your logic when using OMIT.  Omit implies a negative.  So just start out with 2 separate omit lines.  One for Antique and one for Brittle.  Then just slowly add to the logic.  Then try expanding the logic.  If you want to include those two items in one OMIT line, you need to use OR, not AND.  So ( OMIT: brittle OR Antique ) should work.  Just think through the logic carefully. :)

Thanks Trail

Do you have any examples of something that includes the NOT statement in a long string?  If i just saw a statement that worked i could probably get it together.  What i was using last night i thought was working until i saw some that should of been looted.  Most would be one liners for me like OMIT Cursed, but in the case of the others it gets weird... essentially because i do not want to loot antique property items UNLESS they are a ring or bracelet, then antique is fine.

So I started playing with this script last night, excellent build by the way. 

I am trying to understand the complex loot rules though, maybe someone could help me with the proper syntax? 

If i wanted to for instance say, OMIT Antique if not a ring or bracelet, and then loot Artifacts NOT Antique AND NOT Brittle.

Basically saying, i want to loot all artifacts without antique or brittle in the name, unless it is a ring or bracelet, because antique is fine on a bracelet/ring.

Was trying this out with splintering weapon as well, like loot Splintering Weap >= 15 AND NOT Antique AND NOT Brittle.

I just don't have the right syntax and haven't figured it out yet.

New member introductions / New to the world of scripting
« on: May 06, 2015, 06:46:44 PM »
Hey all... Been playing uo for 16 years (OSI) and just getting into this more in depth.  Played Great Lakes forever if there is any former GL players out there?  Moved on to atlantic though... thats where the population is these days.

Been scripting little stuff and skills forever but now i'm hoping to get into real usage like auto looting and stuff.  I've been big into PVP for years but just recently said... ok well its time to branch out into the rest of this damn game lol

Figured i can't be quite as much of a pvper soon with a kid on the way, so maybe learning something new will enhance my game play!

Hopefully I'll get the hang of it with the help of you fine folks =)

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