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Messages - sbn

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Greetings
« on: February 08, 2016, 06:29:19 AM »
Hi there fellow ScriptUO enthusiast.

This is sbn typing. If you don't know me, shame on you!

All kidding aside, I am a 26 year old computer expert. I teach programming at some university in a specific country (not going to specify as I don't want my students to find this post).
I've been playing UO since I was 12, only 2 years after I first started experimenting with programming. I've been out of the UO boat for a long time (10 years at least), seeing as real life was happening.
I am posting here on ScriptUO because I am interested in the ScriptSDK and hopefully I'll get some experimenting going with it :)

Hopefully this serves as an adequate introduction.

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