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Messages - ddoo

Pages: [1]
Hi Hope you are well!
As you can see(from subject) I am from Asia, currently playing at Hokuto。 I played UO back in 1998 for a very short while around 1 yr, but it'd made tremendous inspiration to my life. But as a student I couldn't afford too much time and money. Fast forward 20 yrs later, I am a father, and the itchiness of UO slowly crawled back.

I came back to UO for a while in 2016, but now it got me for real. I have been trying to find guidance online, since i am practically a noob, but there are so many outdated info, and then I found this forum where it seems people are still quite active.

I hope I can find more player from HK like me, but i am not sure whether there is any at all! Anyway, Thanks for the great effort of maintaining the site, so long lost player like me can return and learn without Yelling at Luna Bank too much!

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