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Messages - Anti-Social

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Returning User
« on: December 18, 2022, 09:13:25 AM »
AYO.. What's up people? Dude Dale here returning for the 23rd time.. Been playing Ultima off and on since 2002ish. Started out as a pvper and each time i return i find myself getting into the pvm side of the game. As of right now i am not working i have some surgery's coming up so no point in going back to work just yet. i live alone with my Dog Bella but she is more like my child and really is a brat. My real child is 19 and lives with her boyfriend child support is done and over as of last month so that is more cash in my pocket and another reason why i haven't returned to work. i guess all that overtime in my 20s and 30s finally paid off :).. anyway i hope you all have a great X-Mas and an awesome New Year

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