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Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's Full Auto Fisherman
« Last post by CityKitty on December 02, 2023, 05:55:04 PM »

This has never happened to me before. When I start up claw, prior to starting fisherman I'm told the configuration file can't be loaded. This is happening on two computers, one a Windows 10 and the other a Windows 11. They are the ones I always use every day. The last run of the script ended normally, with no bumps or crashes so no reason for corrupt files. I tried swapping fishing setup between the two with the same result.

What can I do to fix this? I really need to get back to fishing as soon as I can. Thanks in advance!
UOMaddogs' Script Library / Re: Maddog\'s Discordance Trainer (90-120)
« Last post by Gman70 on December 02, 2023, 03:33:09 PM »
Was going to try out this script and I am just getting started on the java script language, but it gives me a syntaxparse error for line 0???
Anyone know if I need to change anything to put this into Orion?

Post Merge: December 02, 2023, 07:13:14 PM
Was going to try out this script and I am just getting started on the java script language, but it gives me a syntaxparse error for line 0???
Anyone know if I need to change anything to put this into Orion?

OK I made myself a workaround, I at 90 discord made a macro in Orion, recorded myself casting Tribulation on a Cu in my house and then casting it again to negate the first spell. Then put it to loop, 2S interval and had it repeat 10 times. It has continually looped, I am up to 105.9 so far. Not elegant but it works. I am going to get out my books for Javascipt from College when I got my degree in 3D modeling and animation and reread it, I didn't pay enough attention to it since I didn't want to code, I wanted to create. But now I see how powerful it can be and want to learn it.
Misc. Scripts / Re: Reagents / blank scroll buyer .... Any script?
« Last post by Crisis on December 01, 2023, 06:35:34 PM »
There was one that uses a beetle but it was a long time ago and probably would need updates. I cannot remember if it was on here or EUO though I am thinking it was here.
12TimesOvers' Script Library / Re: XIIxOveR's Miner For Dummies 3.0
« Last post by Crisis on December 01, 2023, 06:34:19 PM »
Find the ID of the runebooks on your shard and then change them on the script. There are a couple of scripts that help find the ID or you can double click it and then check on the right side of the EUO panel for the id.
Misc. Scripts / Reagents / blank scroll buyer .... Any script?
« Last post by lamerucolo on December 01, 2023, 04:03:16 PM »
Hello... I was wondering if somebody can post an automated script for buying reagents (necro/mage) and blank scrolls from NPC vendors .
I wish I could use a script to buy regs by automatically recalling to mage shops and then drop the items in bank and so on :)

12TimesOvers' Script Library / Re: XIIxOveR's Miner For Dummies 3.0
« Last post by hayhay on December 01, 2023, 07:59:39 AM »
Hi, I think ID of Runebooks or characters backpacks has changed yesterdays update.  When I go set up and trying to set my rune book in my backpack  a pop up message said me that " it is not a runebook or the rune book is not in your backpack."

How can i solve this issue ?
I think it would need to be with a wolf spider with 100% poison, will need to change the script to what someone had posted awhile back to change the mount ID to the wolf spider and then ad the sub to make sure you don;t kill the spider since LS sometimes does damage even with the WS.
Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's Full Auto Fisherman
« Last post by CityKitty on November 21, 2023, 02:23:55 PM »
Yes, I'm talking about the new MiBs as they get fished up. They don't get opened at all. As for the fish, there was no attempt to cut them up and some of them were put into bag 3, where trophy fish are supposed to go I think.

I went back to B and it still works well. I'll stick with it for now so no big rush to fix L.
Questing / Re: ScriptUO Heartwood Quester v1.19
« Last post by Neftis_RJ on November 20, 2023, 01:06:47 PM »
Best to try a different bank location.  Some bankers aren't human, so that will confuse the script.  But you do need to be relatively close to them so they can "hear" you yell BANK.

Are you using this on Broadsword or a freeshard?

I play broadsword. But I guess the problem was this new patch launched on november 16th, probably, no? No script seems to be working.
Questing / Re: ScriptUO Heartwood Quester v1.19
« Last post by TrailMyx on November 20, 2023, 08:59:49 AM »
Best to try a different bank location.  Some bankers aren't human, so that will confuse the script.  But you do need to be relatively close to them so they can "hear" you yell BANK.

Are you using this on Broadsword or a freeshard?
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