ROFL That is an AWESOME exchange!!
Not only do I use the good ol' HC stalls, I seek them out whenever possible. The handicap stall is the Cadillac of the men's room. There's a stall here on the first floor of my office building that takes up, literally, 50% of the entire floor space of the bathroom it occupies and comes equipped with it's own sink, papertowel dispenser, and garbage can! Oh yeah!
PS - on the other note, I LOVE little exchanges like that with people out and about. Those moments where you don't have to think later "Man, I should have said ...!" because you actually thought of it in the moment.
One of my fav's: Once I was in a grocery store grabbing a package of vegetarian "chick" patties from the freezer. As I'm pulling them through the door a very attractive girl slows down next to me and comments "Aren't those good? They taste like real chicken?" to which I promptly replied, in character, "Good?!?! They're grrrrrrrrrreat!". She practically ran away from me down the aisle and I have a story to tell ten years later.
I should have at least gotten her number first...