Author Topic: Brief Dungeon Wrong Walk-thru  (Read 4191 times)

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Brief Dungeon Wrong Walk-thru
« on: October 21, 2012, 08:07:38 PM »
Greetings -

I decided to try out the revamped Wrong.  Bottom line:  Don't waste your time.  If you must, this is what you need:

- Stealth Thief w/Magery
- A dozen or so lockpicks
- A batch of brightly died bandies

The thief part is theoretical.  You *must* have lockpicking, but I have yet to run across the new stealables.

In each of the cells, you will find a bunch of bedrolls.  You have to double click each one.  If you're lucky, you'll find a hole underneath it.  Most likely, you'll get hit with a trap.  Most are just annoying.  A couple insta-kill you.

Oh, and every time you click a bedroll, you pop out of hiding.  The monsters that live down here are no joke.  Sometimes, for no discernible reason, one might insta-kill you.  Also there are a couple of floor tiles that insta-kill you.  This place is a hoot.

Eventually, you find a hole that takes you to the demonic jailer.  Let him hit you.  He teleports you to a jail (no, not that jail).  THIS place is fairly easy.  Stealth around until you find both the exit and the treasure room.  Once you know the route, drop a trail of brightly colored bandies so you can run back quickly when you need to.

In the treasure room, pick all the chests, then click through the various traps.  There are usually three or four per chest.  Inside the chest are a bunch of 'hot' items.  You cannot be hidden while you hold them.  

Sift through all the chests.  You're looking for "Assassin Honed' weapons, which can't be obtained anywhere else.  They are fairly crappy, but hey - collectable pixels!

Once you know what you're going to grab, mount your ethy (you DID bring an ethy, right?), grab all the stuff you want and run hell bent for leather to the exit.  If any of the jailers hit you, you pop back into jail, without your loot.  There is also a chance that the maze you just plotted your way through will have changed.

Also, the ONE time I found an assassin-honed weapon, I accidentally ran into the sparkles in one hallway (oh yeah - don't do that) and ended up back in jail.  The loot was BACK in the chests...which were locked again...and I had to go through the whole stupid thing again...only to find that the 'Assassin Honed' property had been replaced with something else.

Honestly, go script mine instead.  This place is worthless.

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Re: Brief Dungeon Wrong Walk-thru
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2012, 10:53:28 PM »
THX for this.... Assassin honed is one of those weapon properties that could potentially be useful in PvP at some point depending on the changes they make to stuff...  It might also simply be that those with the right inclination to brainstorm and test stuff never put the effort into getting an assassin honed wep to play with (*cough cough MYSELF... cough*)  :-\   Anyway, I'll probably try for a few myself just now bc I hate taking someone else's word on it heh.

Thx again for the tips!

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Re: Brief Dungeon Wrong Walk-thru
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2012, 04:12:54 AM »
Just wonder if once you get the Assisan honed weapons out of the chest if you can place them in a bag on the ground and stay stealthed that way and move them along the floor stealthed all the way out?

Offline NObamaTopic starter

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Re: Brief Dungeon Wrong Walk-thru
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2012, 08:54:05 AM »
Just wonder if once you get the Assisan honed weapons out of the chest if you can place them in a bag on the ground and stay stealthed that way and move them along the floor stealthed all the way out?

Excellent thought - but no.  I tried that.  As soon as the item leaves your backpack, it pops back into the chest where you found it.  I also tried putting a bag in the chest and putting the item into it before it even leaves the chest.  No good.  Even if you're just "stirring" the chest (if you're a treasure hunter, you know what that means) the items pop right back where they started.

I'm going to do this a few more times, then call it good when I have a few Assassin Honed fencing items.
