Interesting site here and I am super glad I found it. I am a 34 year old dude who grew up playing on the Pacific shard back in the day. I use CUO and Razer Enhanced as my main play method and hope to share some cool scripts with people. I live in the Pacific northwest with my girlfriend, our puppy and a senior cat. I stream on twitch a lot of different types of games but mainly shooter style games as of lately.
Most of the time I am playing UO I am either farming gold with champion spawns or running doom gauntlet trying my luck at a specific artifact. I am very chill and just like to relax with my UO time and not take anything over the top seriously.
I am super easy to get along with and love fine tuning scripts and sharing with others while doing so. I hope this is a start to you guys seeing who I am, and hope to share more with you all as time goes on!