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Messages - Ultima

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General UO Chat / Re: My graduation class as a UO Counselor
« on: September 04, 2008, 05:43:25 PM »
Just for nostalgia.  Name has been changed to protect the guilty.  This was on Sonoma.  I still can't find the date, but I'm searching....

Hey that's my shard!

What exactly is the lore/history behind the counselor program? It was in place when I took one of my hiatus's from UO and when I can back it was gone. What happened?

What all did your pro bono work entail? What powers were you given per se?

Props for doing volunteering for that and giving of your time to help the UO community. .

One of my good friends was a counselor for awhile. I also heard about some counselors using shady tactics/powers to help their in game friends. Seems like such a system should still be in place today....

Script Snippets / Re: TrailMyx's Spring Cleaning Routines
« on: September 04, 2008, 03:06:20 PM »
Works like a charm painless and lightning fast. :)

Script Snippets / Re: TrailMyx's Spring Cleaning Routines
« on: September 04, 2008, 01:47:15 PM »
Arggh! I just find this now! LOL!

Thing thing works great. Totally flawless is right.

I've been using craftmatic in quest for Overseer Sundered Blades and I've been holding on to the recipe scrolls and talismans for turn ins.

I spend over and hour or so yesterday turning in points and at the end of the day I had a huge headache and had to load up on NSAID.

This is making the spring clean up so much more pleasureable.

Thanks TM. Two thumbs up (even though I'm a little late)!

General UO Chat / Re: Forgot about this UO fan site
« on: September 03, 2008, 12:53:30 PM »
Hey that's not a bad site. Looks like he put some time into it...

Forget about it? I dun get it?

What I don't get is why people keep clammoring for a Pirate Expansion. I haven't stepped onto a boat in years...

Not that I'm against it mind you I just wonder what a Pirate expansion would entail? New treasure Island with new Peerless monsters? Might be pretty cool...

The avatar's looks like Hawkeye Pike's who post on stratics. Probably his site.

General UO Chat / Re: Stygian Abyss is still on! Wewp!
« on: September 03, 2008, 12:43:47 PM »
I love my KR. :'( and I was there for the UO Beta way back when so I played the 2d client since 97'.  I don't like the constant crashes though that must be from the memory leaks you mentioned... I didn't know that it's sucking my RAM. Does EA know this?

Should post what you said on stratics see if they listen. And your right they should play their own game.

Unfortunately Titan Quest (Iron Lore) went out of business and aren't doing anymore sequels. Crazy how these big companies that put out games that have alot of success go out of business. I remember the 3DO makers of Might and Magic went under too. Craziness...

I guess more than anything I just don't want to see UO go away and hope that they will continue to keep it up to the current level of technology out there. I'd still like to be running around in Sosaria for many years to come plus it would be nice to see it return to a somewhat more popular game that it is now.

I'll stay optimistic about SA client. But history would have me hope for the best and be ready for the worst.

Scripting Chat / Re: My newest "creation" lol...
« on: September 02, 2008, 09:00:31 PM »
This looks and sounds hella impressive.! Makes me 1/2 tempted to start playing in 2d again. ;D

 Is this what you use when doing your DH runs?

I wouldn't mind testing it out on Miasma if you release it.

General UO Chat / Re: Stygian Abyss is still on! Wewp!
« on: September 02, 2008, 08:32:45 PM »
I think the heartwood quests are going to be left alone. I originally interpreted what they said at the townhall meeting they were doing away with them or making changes to them which still may be the case but  I think what they mean is that they're just not going to make more crafting quests similiar to what we have now in heartwood.

As for the upcomming changes to the client I think it's great. I really dig the KR Client but hopefully the SA client will have even better graphics. Anyone ever play Titan Quest? That was a kickass game imo all the time playing it I was saying 'Now if UO could be like this" then it be a hell of a game in today's market. I'm no fan of the 2D client. It has it's nostaligia and all for keeping it as an option but also all for them honing and polishing other clients keeping this great game moving on into the future. I only play 2d when I'm scripting or redecorating my home. :P

I'm getting burnt out too which is why I'm excited about the expansion. As long as they keep polishing the game up I'll continue to play it. Brittania is my home for sure. It was the father of all that has come after... ;)

Player Templates / Re: Sampire
« on: August 31, 2008, 02:34:12 PM »
How is it that you guys are getting up to 99.0 Necro?  Midnight bracers was one, but wasn't there a talisman to use also.  I have plenty of necro jewelry.

@ultima:  I never thought about doing it with archery.  I need to dust off my old archer and revamp him.  Get it?  Revamp?  I crack myself up..

Yea TM it's pretty darn effective on an archer if you ask me. For the measly 35 points it's well worth it.

Now when I get beat on or blasted with spells I can stand stay on the offensive still and stand my ground instead of running and healing with bandages. It saves time for much more offense and less defense. I can drop Paragon Cus without having to trap them behind the rocks in the desert. Now I just run circles around them and if they take a bite of me I'll be back at full health after an arrow or two hits the mark. Fun stuff for sure...

Go revamp your vampire. Good one! ;)

General UO Chat / Re: Peerless! Peerless! Peerless! Peerless!
« on: August 31, 2008, 01:05:17 PM »
What shard are you on? You in need of an apprentice.

I saw one guy on my shard take DH down with Wind's Edge faster than I can do it with my 2 Dragons. Very impressive everytime I've used soulseeker.

I've had a real hard time putting together an all 70's suit with the Mace and Shield glasses.  So I go in with a darkwood suit...

Post your walk through if &when you have the time as I'd be eager to read it. Thanks for sharing...

General UO Chat / Re: Stygian Abyss is still on! Wewp!
« on: August 31, 2008, 11:55:18 AM »
This is very exciting hopefully EA follows through with the expansion and releases! I'm all for new content as I'm bored and need more challenges to keep me going in the game. New Pets, New lands, new skills, and interested in the SA client as I really like the KR client. I wonder what they're going to do with the heartwood quests? Kill 1000 Dragons to get a heartwood runic?

Should be interesting...

General UO Chat / Stygian Abyss is still on! Wewp!
« on: August 31, 2008, 11:49:00 AM »
This was put together by Adam over at UOForums regarding the Austin Town Hall Meeting. I thought I'd post in case anyone wasn't aware of it and we can get feedback from our members. If posting this is not okay then I apologize in advance. Thanks to Adam for taking the time to enlighten the UO community about the future expansion.

This is just a preliminary list of stuff we know so far, from the Austin Town hall.

Seattle Town Hall:


- Stygian Abyss is coming next year sometime (2009)


- Build up to expansion via live ingame events

Gargoyle information.

- Gargoyles have their own animation effects... including flying

- Gargoyles cannot wear human/elf armors

- Gargoyle flying over water... "we don't know"

- No new skills are garg specific

- Jeremy takes a vote and it's 50/50 on having a turn to garg quest

- Gargoyle animations will be seriously different from human/elves

- Inherent Garg abilities: YES. Will show up on website

- Gargs will not have mounts... flying replaces mounts

Client information.

- KR is being improved including new map, more vibrant, better map overall.

- New client being based off of the KR technology (the SA client)

- KR will be fixed. (there goes my question for WRR)

- SA will be for both clients (no details yet)

- Looking to integrate UOA with the client

- 2d UI is not being redone. (seems different than what they said at the first)

- The new UI is under construction


- New Skill: Embueing! (Embueing is the "big new crafting change")

- New Skill: Throwing skill: (New weapon skill)

- New Skill: Mysticism

- Crafting to have a HUGE update.

- New champ spawns/power scrolls: Reward system will be different as will the new "boss fights"

- Recall in SA: Still under consideration... limited at best.

- No new skills are garg specific

- Crafters of any race can make garg armor

- Templates are supposed to be cramped skillpointwise

Stygian Abyss Dungeon and Lands.

- Dungeon will look and feel like the original Ultima Underworld dungeon

- Size big enough that they are talking about new hardware to support

- New housing: New housing space is under discussion

- There will be areas in SA reds can go. More detail in the future... PvP content mentioned

- Recall in SA: Still under consideration... limited at best.

PVP Concerns

- Fighting styles between flying creatures: in PvP will be similar to being mounted

- Can you use a Bola on flying gargs... YES. Acts as a dismount and they cannot instantly fly again

- PvP balance in SA: In theory it's supposed to happen in beta. Overpowered templates are not done on purpose.

Creatures of Stygian Abyss.

- New Tameables (New tameables and ridables)

Armor, Weapons and Items

- Will new armor be auto-have or need a recipe... unknown yet

- Garg Slayers Weapons: Will not affect in PvP/ Repond Slayers will not work on humans (PvP)

- New runics in SA: Not tied to expansion

- Randomized resources: To make higher end ore types rare, embueing will make them even more valuable. Mining and LJ rewards time.


- "The stupid heartwood quests are not coming back"


- The Retail Box: Still under discussion and another fistfight

-"SA is going to ship when it is ready"

- Pre Order Gifts: To be discussed later

Movie Review / Re: Indiana Jones and the Yada of the Yada yada.
« on: August 31, 2008, 11:40:15 AM »
That was funny.

BOO on you for knocking Shortround he was a great sidekick in Temple of Doom. I thought he was hella funny...

And The Empire Strikes Back was the best! Was ranked one of the best sequels ever next to Godfather II. It gets my vote as well...

Wow is all I can say. I-III can't even compare in any way shape or form to IV-VI.

Once again I find myself outnumbered and in the minority. :'(

General UO Chat / Re: Peerless! Peerless! Peerless! Peerless!
« on: August 31, 2008, 11:23:07 AM »

What template and what weapon type are you using? And Gear? If that's not being too nosy.

Your making it sound too easy doing 20 in one day! I struggle with Irk sometimes and DH. I've solo'd a few times but by no means do I condsider it a walk in the park.

Player Templates / Re: Sampire
« on: August 24, 2008, 06:08:05 PM »
Now I know what why these saw are so coveted  :P

I've never heard of a fishing pole with +skills on it :o

Obviously I know squat about fishing eh'!? And here all along I thought I was in the know how....

I still like have somewhere in the range of 35-40 Necromancy for casting Curse Weapon.

Player Templates / Re: Sampire
« on: August 24, 2008, 04:35:31 PM »
Fishing pole?What?

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