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Topics - Argonaut

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New member introductions / Argonaut, Packaging & Other Salutations
« on: April 12, 2017, 11:32:30 AM »
In my rush to tear off the packaging of what appears to be a well designed and amazing Stealth Client, I neglected RULE #1: always read the rules, bylaws and regulations!  In an effort to correct that grievous and careless oversight on my part, I offer the denizens of this site this humble offering and a hearty hello.

I started my adventuring in high school, on a mainframe, playing Adventure.  The site admin must have named it that because the program (thats what they used to be called) was the mainframe version of Legend of Zork.  I spending countless hours solving those puzzles and neglecting my time in the gym (sorry ladies.....and my football coach) I went off to college only to discover that I had a flair for languages, dead languages.  After graduating with a degree in Classical History I went on to..............but I digress.

In 1997 some sales associate at gamesomething suggested I buy Diablo instead of the UO box I held in my hand.  His explanation made sense at the time but three months later I returned and bought UO, never to regret it.

I logged on in time for the Napa Valley server to open up.  I became involved in PvP and was a member of the best PvP guild on the server (I know lots of people claim it but we really were.)

Sometime around 2000 I heard about EasyUO, and started to use it to automate some activities.  I wrote a script that would start in my house, recall to a leather vendor, buy leather, come back to the house, craft gloves, back to vendor to sell, buy leather, return home and drop off the gold.

When I am not with family or playing UO, I am restoring a 1965 Mustang Coupe.

Hopefully I will be able to learn some new ways to code here and write a few original scripts the community will find useful.

Stealth Client / ERangeError: Range Check Error
« on: April 07, 2017, 06:50:45 AM »
This application is new to me.  When I load the stealth client, using the settings offered in the youtube tutorial, I get to the character selection window, when I select any character this is what I get:

ERangeError: Range Check Error

Any suggestions as to what this means and how to correct it?  I am using version 7.9.7

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