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Messages - TrailMyx

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Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's Full Auto Fisherman
« on: August 27, 2023, 08:19:58 PM »
I guess I forgot to post this revised version, as well as the 9 versions previously.  lol.  Look for version 30k attached to the first post.  I keep this one pretty up to date since I still use it on many RunUO freeshards.

Off Topic / Re: Concerning Hammy
« on: June 21, 2023, 07:27:12 AM »
I'm sorry for the loss of hammy. i am not a pet person but everyone i know has a cat or dog and they are the same to these people as there own family. sorry again for the loss

It's been a while now but I still think about him all the time.  I've had lots of pets in my life, but he did certainly leave an impression on me.  Some people don't get that a pet really can become a close family member. I've had some maddening conversations with people who just don't get it.  They must just be robots.  lol

Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's WarpSpeed Logs to Boards converter
« on: June 01, 2023, 06:56:24 AM »
Crazy it still works.  If you post the item type for the Melisande's axe, I'll add it.  Thanks for the shocking feedback!  Cheers!

Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's Full Auto Fisherman
« on: April 05, 2023, 09:05:54 AM »
I'm down to running only a few scripts anymore, but this is one of them (as well as SOSMaster being supported by Gaderian).  I do run on a freeshard and run this script daily.  From my own usage, I see no issues at all.  My usage is that I run in 2 hour increments and so far have never had issues with this script. 

But if you're having lag issues, it's always best to locate the "WAIT" statements right after a recall/gate/sacred journey attempt and make them a bit larger.  Also if you find your character just standing there, just pause the script and note what line/subroutine the code is stalled at.  One thing I remember seeing is if the script gets to the point where it's either looking for a banker or a secure before the server has time to populate the surround #FINDIDs due to lag, it might get stuck.  Adding a delay can help this.

Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's Full Auto Fisherman
« on: April 04, 2023, 09:43:25 AM »
If we're all honest with ourselves, EUO has never been the most reliable client automation method.  Even with a perfectly crafted script, there has always been that chance where you'd upset the round-about way EUO interfaces to the client memory and cause a hard crash with a memory access error.  This is only made worse by scripts that try to do things faster than they should or don't have as much protection or redundancy built in.

So Crisis is exactly right with his assessment.  When you start from a shaky platform, things only age that much worse. 

I'm more amazed honestly that after all these years there are still many scripts that still run relatively well.

Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's Full Auto Fisherman
« on: February 21, 2023, 05:06:35 PM »
The only thing I can suggest is that you try a totally different bank rune for some place in Trammel that's super-close to a banker.  If your connection is really slow, you can try adding a bit of delay between when you recall successfully and when the script starts searching for the banker.  On laggy shards or slow connections, sometimes the script will zip too quickly to the vender search portion of the code before the bankers have been populated post-recall.

Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's Full Auto Fisherman
« on: February 15, 2023, 04:46:25 PM »
I was thinking the same thing.  If you have a healer or looter running in another tab this will set #LTARGETKIND to 1 from time to time.  Then it's just a matter of timing if this might mess up targeting unless there's some synchronization occurring between scripts.  My healer and looters play pretty nice with one another because I use common namespace status variables, but even then it's not 100%.

New member introductions / Re: Coming back with a nostalgic feeling.
« on: February 13, 2023, 08:07:29 AM »
Welcome to the site and welcome back to the game.  Things have certainly changed!

Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's Full Auto Fisherman
« on: February 12, 2023, 08:43:15 PM »
I seem to remember a similar issue at one point that turned out to be a PEBKAC, but I can't remember what I was doing.

Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's Full Auto Fisherman
« on: February 12, 2023, 11:16:11 AM »
I have one character that won’t target the water to fish.  It works with all other characters.  Any ideas ?  It suddenly stopped working and I even used a fresh pc.

A few simple things are to make sure your boat is pointing north, it's a small one and you're not too close to a server line in case something on the other side of the line is blocking.  Just for giggles you might try and run the guided setup again.

Awesome!  Yeh, I found the vender search in the player context menu.  Now if I can only find a taming PS!   Skill game is pretty quick.

Another thing I didn't find is a automated or context routine to summarize your resists and suit attributes.  I had thought that was added to vanilla ServUO, but it's been forever since I played with that code.  Anyhow, looking good so far!  Lots of helpful players I've run into so far.

Since I love building new character, I'm creating a few here.  Actually a pretty nice amount of players online at any one moment.  Seems to be pretty vanilla UO which is OK in my book.  Do you have a vender search?

Gold Farming / Re: TrailMyx's Full Auto Fisherman
« on: January 26, 2023, 08:37:43 AM »
Double-check the item id (type) of the scales.  They may have changed like some of the other fishing things.  Scales aren't handled any differently that other items, so if other things work, then scales should assuming the TYPE is correct.  Presently the scales TYPE is found in this line:  FINDTYPE = STO

Code: easyuo
  1. set %id_scales STO_

New member introductions / Re: Former UO "Used Tower Salesman"
« on: January 07, 2023, 11:45:58 AM »
On Sonoma I had a rather successful stint as a realtor as well.  I lost track of all the places I sold over the months that I was doing this.  Actually the realtor thing was pretty much the last thing I did on UO before I started my scripting adventure.  I was looking for some of the pictures that I'd post online-I have them somewhere.

still working great TY again!

I'm honestly amazed this one still works after all these years.  It takes some black magic, pixel scanning and has the potential side-affect of deleting a wanted stat (though I remember working very hard to prevent this).  *shocked face*

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