Hi there,
I am still using this script (Version 3.01) on a freeshard, everything has been working fine so far.
Now on the shard they changed it so that you can't sail any further unless the corpses (sea serpents, water elementals or such) are "sunk" or have decayed.
The corpses are blocking your way.
We can get a special item to sink corpses. You have to use the item, target the corpse and then it gets sunk.
I thought of adding this after the looting process (no need for to keep the corpses for trashing boots etc.) but I can't find the correct line of code where to put that.
The Itemtype of the item to use is MTF and the targets have the Itemtype YFM (corpses, right ?).
Anyone here can help me with the lines of code to add and where to add it ?
Help greatly appreciated.