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Topics - Crazyamerican741

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hiya, the names Will.
« on: April 03, 2010, 11:27:55 AM »
I have been playing UO for 7+ years. I only have played on one server, which is baja. But I'm just now getting into using scripts. I decided I needed a break and just sit here and read a book while my crafter does something, which would be nice. A friend told me about this website, so far everyone seems nice and very helpful. I like the fact that you need to post something here and get it accepted in order to use most of the stuff on the website. As everyone can see, I'm not very good at writing about my self, sorry if this is so short. :( I have never been a good writer, just into reading. ^.^ I hope everyone likes me here and hope that everyone can help me out... lol. Hope its not to hard to use these scripts if you all accept this introduction.


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