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New member introductions / New guy in march 2024
« Last post by peixinhonabrasa on March 31, 2024, 04:32:57 PM »
So... Today, on the last day of March 2024, I arrive here as the new guy who will make his own introduction.
I started playing UO on the recommendation of a friend who never played the game but had friends who played. That was when I was about 12 years old (I'm 35 today). After exploring the game's installation for free shards, which was different from anything I had ever seen, I tested some servers until I found one that I stayed with for many years, Dimensions Shard by Gabriel Klein (Seyss), a Brazilian guy who lived in the USA . After the last few days of this server, I went to another one that I had already tested, with a more RPG feel, with races, classes and level system - Nightmare Shard. I made new friends there and recently the server is back up, which brought me here.

Regarding scripts and macros, I started with UO Assist and UO Loop, went to EasyUO where I developed a lot, went through Injection and now I'm looking to learn about Orion.

Well, this is a very brief summary indeed.
New member introductions / Re: INTRO
« Last post by killa1103 on March 31, 2024, 04:14:38 PM »
Ive play UO since it came out in 1997-1998 time on Chesapeake. I play tamers alot since they can take alot of damage. I try to mix up my templates alot based on damamge output. lately i get school with scripts by others but i PVP when i get the chance to so i do must of my fighting manually. I Also worked on sampires and other builds for pvm and doing champ spawns. I help alot of new players on heritege with getting started. I like trying to keep people around as long as possible but seems like this server which is kinda old school doesnt meet the younger generations taste. Seen more in uo outlands than any other server and believe me ive tried them all.
    I just started using archer tamers for events to get the damage but again scripters seem to kick my but on damage. As much as i'm old school its time to join the crowd since it doesn't seem to be disappearing anytime soon. I use to write my own scripts for UOS but that seems to log me out at the worse times then i go nuts because its not my internet or computer so it must be the program.  I use to do IDOCs alot using uoassist scripts for house times. seems harder on heritege since you houses dont decay for 6 months.
    FOr pvp i play two builds but almost identical one is a archer necro other is a macer necro. By getting a faster computer and upgrading my internet i would be able to chase anyone down with ease. not the case. seems like i can move faster but when it comes to chasing still same issue.  PVP and getting good items seems to keep me around. Im dedicated and loyal to the uo but it sucks that not everyone has the same mentality so i have more people to fight other than brazilians.
    SO mostly looking for a script for auto attacking spawns that will cast chiv spells when needed sicne i run three accounts to do spawns. one to two samps and then a necro mage that destroys the spawn fast as well. 
     Hope this isnt as bad as the first one because i hate writing lol and more reading. Wasnt my forte in school, it was sports mainly.
New member introductions / Re: introduction
« Last post by gimlet on March 31, 2024, 02:35:27 PM »

New member introductions / Re: introduction
« Last post by Crisis on March 31, 2024, 02:07:48 PM »
Welcome to SUO! Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site! I would be interested in seeing that script if you were ever willing. I am experimenting with something similar with ORIONUO client.
New member introductions / introduction
« Last post by uotester on March 31, 2024, 12:40:17 PM »

ive been playing uo since 1999 on Europa and Atlantic. i enjoy killing bosses solo and as it takes a lot of time to kill peerless and high seas bosses i found that scripts can keep my wrists healthy :)

i was using scripts from easyuo initially but sometimes these scripts did not do everything that i need so i had to learn how to make adjustments to them. this worked for quite some time.

a few years ago i started to do "treasures of" events and i realised that using multiple accounts is bringing better rewards. but the more i played on these events the more i realized that i need to write something of my own because i needed a script that switch equipment on multiple chars when they fighting certain types or monsters, script that attacks monsters and cast spells with certain priority, script that watch multiple characters hp and take actions as required.
so i started to learn about nameSpace global and its working much better with my 5-6 characters setup now

i hope to find new ideas on scriptuo and learn from more experienced scripters
New member introductions / Re: INTRO
« Last post by Crisis on March 30, 2024, 06:59:52 PM »
A Very Warm Welcome!

Our only requirement to be part of this site is for new members to write a good and thoughtful introduction.

Before we will unrestrict you - you need to tell us a lot more!
Please greatly expand your introduction and tell us about yourself and your UO life.

Look at the stickied examples if you need insight.
I think you will find the effort required to write a couple paragraphs will pay off with this community!

(Use a translator program if you feel you can not write in English.)
New member introductions / INTRO
« Last post by killa1103 on March 30, 2024, 06:31:15 PM »
Hello my screen name is killa1103 in most UO games. Ive started using orion for like a year on UO heritege. Mainly for PVP because i love fighting brazilians lol. I hope to use tools on this site to enhance my gaming capabilities and maybe start writing scripts myself.
New member introductions / Re: iDoc hunting
« Last post by Crisis on March 30, 2024, 12:08:55 PM »
A Very Warm Welcome!

Our only requirement to be part of this site is for new members to write a good and thoughtful introduction.

Before we will unrestrict you - you need to tell us a lot more!
Please greatly expand your introduction and tell us about yourself and your UO life.

Look at the stickied examples if you need insight.
I think you will find the effort required to write a couple paragraphs will pay off with this community!

(Use a translator program if you feel you can not write in English.)
New member introductions / iDoc hunting
« Last post by itsmegrl on March 30, 2024, 10:00:42 AM »

Hello, it's me... grl
Nice to meet you!

I am looking for a good script to download for iDoc hunting and I found TrialMyx's.. so we're going to give that a go and see if I can manage to get it working in my client!

Happy Easter all!
New member introductions / Re: Howdy Howdy
« Last post by Anvil on March 29, 2024, 07:54:27 AM »
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