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Topics - Krusty The Klown

Pages: [1]
Player Templates / Faction Necro Archer for Champs
« on: July 28, 2010, 02:02:42 PM »
I've decided to try and work out a template for a necro archer to solo/ group fight champs and im having alittle trouble deciding on the suit and what i should 120 vs 115 or 110.
Anyone running a similar template with any advice as far as suit and temp build etc..

I dont know what is exactly going on but regardless stay away... I have done 3 champs today on 3 diffrent characters and on each have lost at least 1 insured or blessed item off my suit or weapon....First was a Rikki in Destard this morning and I lost my Blessed Armor of Fortune I was not over weight it had plenty of durability etc. Logged out to switch characters because of the lrc loss and once again lost a pair of insured inquisitors on my mysticism mage... Then being the goofball I tend to be later in the day some guildies were doing a demon spawn in the back of fire and were raided so i hopped on my stealth archer to go help defend the spawn and once again poof there went my dismounter. I wouldnt be so upset other than it was a one of a kind dismounter Hit Lightning 48%, Balanced, HCI 24, SSI 35, DI 48 so as you would probably guess ive not had the best of days regarding UO. Just be forwarned its happening might be the new patch i have no idea >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Off Topic / Holy Jeebus
« on: April 19, 2010, 11:00:18 AM »

Off Topic / Who would take #2, or #1 in this video
« on: April 13, 2010, 10:49:38 AM »

New member introductions / returning again
« on: January 30, 2010, 08:04:24 AM »
Hello everyone im a returning player after being away for a couple years. I play mostly on GL but try to branch out to other shards for fun every once in a while. Ive been playing off and on since around 99-2000 alot has changed since those days lol. I dont have a specific template that is more fun than the other it just depends on what im going to be doing. I usually pvm mostly anymore i dont play with many people and trying to pvp solo isnt too fun.
Hope this is a good introduction
oh and my wife's stats are
34-28-36 lol

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