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Orion UO Scripts / Re: Advanced PvP AutoHeal (Pots/Trap Box/Apples/Petals)
« Last post by OfficerDoofy on February 06, 2025, 02:53:07 PM »
This is Orion
Orion UO Scripts / Re: Advanced PvP AutoHeal (Pots/Trap Box/Apples/Petals)
« Last post by Crisis on February 06, 2025, 02:58:27 AM »
  Looks awesome! Is this for Orion or ClassicUO?
Orion UO Scripts / Advanced PvP AutoHeal (Pots/Trap Box/Apples/Petals)
« Last post by OfficerDoofy on February 04, 2025, 01:43:59 PM »

(i may port to ClassicUO in the near future)
MAIN GUMP - Setup Gump
• Chug - Heal
Automatically drinks a Heal Potion when your health drops below a chosen percentage.

• Chug - Refresh
Automatically drinks a Refresh Potion when your stamina falls below a chosen threshold.

• Use Trapped Box
Uses a Trapped Box to break paralysis if your health is above the specified percentage. (Prevents self-harm if you’re too low on health.)

• Chug Cure Potions
Instantly drinks a Cure Potion upon detecting poison.

• Auto Bandages
Applies bandages when ever your health is below 99%

• Enchanted Apples
Consumes an Apple to remove curses like Mortal Wound, Strangle, or Necromancy effects. Handles a short cooldown automatically.

• Orange Petals
Consumes a Petal every few minutes to maintain poison immunity (particularly helpful in PvP).

• Auto Rearm
Re-equips your weapon if you disarm it to drink a potion or an opponent disarms you in combat.

• Auto Remount
Automatically mounts In cases where you have been dismounted by enemy -  Not if you get of mount naturally.

• 2-Handed Chug
Temporarily unequips your 2H weapon to drink a potion, then re-equips it immediately after.

• Manual “Set” Buttons
Lets you manually assign potions, boxes, apples, etc. if the script’s auto-detection doesn’t find them.

INFO GUMP - Runtime
• Feature Status Indicators
Color-coded display (green/yellow/red) showing which features are running and if their items are found in your backpack.

• PvP / PvE Mode Toggle
PvP Mode uses higher thresholds for potions and more frequent use of items like Orange Petals.
PvE Mode lowers or disables certain features (to save resources), only using them when absolutely necessary.

• Restore Main Gump
Re-opens the full interface so you can adjust thresholds, enable/disable features, or reassign items.

• Item Auto-Assignment

On script start, automatically searches for potions, bandages, petals, etc. in your backpack.

• Intelligent Weapon Management - Consistently checks weapon in hand and keeps script functions updated to with appropriate ItemID so related functions will always work even in cases where weapon was switched  -  1 second updates
Remembers your equipped weapon’s serial number to auto-rearm after potion use or disarm events.

• Loop Management & Checks
Separate loops to continually monitor health, stamina, poison, curses, and paralysis, reacting immediately as needed.

• Safe-Checks
Prevents accidental self-harm with the Trapped Box (if health is too low), respects potion cooldown timers, and avoids actions when you’re incapacitated.

UPDATE 2/6/25
New Features:
-PvP / PvE toggle 
     PVE - Will not consume apples /petals/ cures / refresh pots in PVE mode.  Chug Heals set to 20% For emergency use only.
     PVP - Default - Reverts to the Settings applied at script start
- 2 Handed - Non Balanced weapon chug
    Disarms - Chugs Potion - Rearms weapon
- Auto Detection
     Updated auto detect to loop while in runtime this will keep all the info gump up todate on status of all scripts and enhance features such as rearm and
     2 handed potion chuging since we now actively monitor and keep track of items and weapons.  This the Also removes the need to return to main gump
     and re setup the scripts after death Since we now detect, auto assign, Update and resume script once required items are acquired again by player. 
     This also improves the information gump as features will turn yellow when a player runs out of a item keeping the player informed in real time.
Bug Fix:
- Trap Box item tracking fixed - When Pressing start script clears all old Global and Shared variables before setting new.   This was problematic for items
     that cannot "Practically" be auto detected.  Specifically Trapped Box,  This has been fixed.   Trapped box and auto remount now function as intended.
-  AI optimization Code cleanup
     AI has taught me I suck at this.   Cleaned up, Organized and optimized my shitty work.   

Although Self explanatory - Instructions.txt provided.

UO News / []Good Morning, Sosaria!
« Last post by Spaz Ferret on February 04, 2025, 09:04:01 AM »
Good Morning, Sosaria!

2/4/25 In 1998, during middle school gym class, my friend told me about this game where you could literally do anything you wanted—you could even have a pet dragon! I remember going to the local game store and asking the guy at the counter if The Second Age came with the first age. Little did I know that question would spark the beginning of a journey that has led me here today. Like many of you, I have spent thousands and thousands of hours in Britannia, living in a world born of mystic arts and ancient sorcery. When the opportunity […]
Source: Good Morning, Sosaria!
UO News / []Stepping down as Producer
« Last post by Spaz Ferret on February 04, 2025, 09:04:00 AM »
New member introductions / Re: Looks like im back
« Last post by gimlet on February 03, 2025, 03:17:35 PM »


A Very Warm Welcome!

Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!


New member introductions / Re: Looks like im back
« Last post by Crisis on February 03, 2025, 03:16:49 PM »

Welcome to SUO! Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted - feel free to enjoy all the benefits of the site!
UO News / []Stepping down as Producer
« Last post by Spaz Ferret on February 03, 2025, 09:06:51 AM »
Stepping down as Producer

Greetings all,   I am writing to all of you to inform you that I am stepping down as Producer. Greg Havlusch aka Kyronix will be taking over as Producer and will drive the roadmap, all of the systems, and content in the game. I am  stepping back with some of my responsibilities but will continue to own the Customer Service also known as Game Masters and Event Moderators.   I am sure all of you are curious as to why am I stepping down as Producer.  I have been the luckiest person alive to be able to work with […]
Source: Stepping down as Producer
UO News / []Publish 119 Test Center Publish #1
« Last post by Spaz Ferret on February 03, 2025, 09:06:47 AM »
Publish 119 Test Center Publish #1

1/30/2025 Greetings, We are pleased to announce the first release of Publish 119 will be coming to Test Center 1!  This update includes the “Eclipsed Dawn” event and new Veteran Rewards! Please be sure to check out the publish notes for full details.  We look forward to your feedback. Please be sure to patch up your clients to the latest version before testing. See you in Britannia, UO Team
Source: Publish 119 Test Center Publish #1
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