is gone now

But, its saved on the way back machine.
And after a hard drive failure I lost a lot of data, most of my UO related txt files detailing bugs was wiped, so that sucks. But, I really needed to remember how to overload the beetle for heartwood quests. So, after googling and finding nothing in search results, I remembered the way back machine. And sure enough after a bit of searching, I found it. Here it is, I still need to test if it works still, it likely does.
Here you go:
First be in your house or a house you are co-owned to
Next secure a bag on the ground
Place an empty bag inside of it
In the empty bag place as much wood as you want
You will need two people to do this (or double client)
Get a beetle on one character and friend the second character to it
Release the secure bag on the ground
Have the second character open the beetle
then have the second character lift and hold the bag inside the now unsecure bag and hold that bag in the air
have the owner of the beetle place the unsecure bag on the beetle
then the character hold the bag with the wood in the air drops the bag in the bag on the beetle.