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recall fishing script
« on: February 22, 2012, 02:12:36 PM »
First and foremost let me start by saying thank you to TrailMyx.
It would have taken me forever to get the runebook recalling down pat like he did in all those nice functions.  I am certain the Journal scanning would be over my head.
Below are the links to the places to get both of those.  They are both required to use my script. 

All three will need to be in the same directory and only "dungeon recall fishing.lua" needs to be open.

Other needs and requirements for setting up:
1.  Magery.  Grab any old 100% LRC suit and a spell channel fishing pole. (chiv transport or non-spell channel fishing pole support could be offered if there is honest interest.)
2.  Figure out what your OpenEUO ID number is for your secure at your house.  This should be saved to the script.  One of the first variables to label.  I used my Commodity Deed box.
3.  The runes .... only supports one runebook.  All runes need to be in a runebook labeled "fishing".  Label the script with the numberical location within the "fishing" runebook of your house 1 and 2 and all fishing spots.

I honestly believe I experienced more trouble with marking "good" dungeon fishing spots than I did writing and debugging this little fishing script.  Most of this was thanks to TrailMyx's great snippets.  Some of the best spots are the little islands inside of shame (yes shame ... even after the re-do of it) just above where the unbound vortex's spawn.  That one spot in Ice dungeon just south of the southwestern most bridge on the first level.  Don't mark any runes around the ogre lord water in despair.  WOW.  Died a lot there.

I wrote this script to catch dungeon fish to fill my fishing quests easily.  I still haven't even done them.  I do believe I now have plenty of fish to use.  Even though this script was written with the intention of dungeon fishing, I don't see why one couldn't use it to fish from shore or dock while recalling.  The great thing about the script is it methodically and randomly snaggs a tile within fishing range of where ever in Sosaria you are standing, sees if there is water there, if there is it fishes, if not the spot is black listed and won't attempt fishing there again until the next time you run the script.  I guess this is an open invitation for others to share ideas, as well, for getting my blacklisted fishing spots more permanent.  I welcome ideas.  I have tinkered a little with tile detection in tur mur ... and have not been able to get it fully functional.  Don't expect it to work there.

Happy fishing and let me know what you think. 

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dungeon recall fishing.lua
