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Topics - Paulonius

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I thought I would walk through some numbers to get a picture on what would be involved in making the perfect woodland armor pieces under the current system using imbue and enhance to acheive the most powerful item possible.  If anyone has information that corrects any of my assumptions, or sees a problem with my math, please don't hesitate to provide correction.  I would like this to be as accurate as possible:

I. Crafting: Start by crafting woodland gauntlets from REGULAR WOOD exceptional items with minimum resists in one or two categories that you plan to imbue. I do not want balance as it costs you resist point on the imbue.  I prefer a piece as imbalanced as possible as imbue works up from the base resist for the item type and negates any points that were added from being exceptional and from arms lore.  These are simply lost points unless they are in a resist you are not going to imbue.  The points added by exceptional and arms lore do not count toward your overall imbue score or as one of your five properties.

II. PoF : use powder to raise the durability of your gauntlets.  On average it will take two per item.

III. Imbue : You should be imbuing your increased resists, plus an additional 300 points of properties

IV. Enhance. For the sake of this example I am enhancing with heartwood.

Example:  Woodland Guantlets Base Resists 5/3/2/3/2 (Base 15 Resist Points)

Random "EAL" Resist Points (20 Max)
Points available from Exceptional: 15 randomly distributed points
Points available from Arms Lore: 1 additional point per 20 points of arms lore for a total of 5 randomly distributed points

If you are crafting exceptional items with 100 Arms Lore, the items will have 35 resist points, 20 of these points randomly distributed.  If you enhance a resist without regard to the random point distribution, you lose an average of 4 points per imbue. If you are adding one imbue of 15 points, an average imbue without regard to random points would add 15 points and lose 4, for a total of 46 resist points out of a possible 50.  If you added two resist properties, which is what I generally shoot for, you would be adding 30 resist points and losing 8 for a total of 57 out of a possible 65 total resist points.  It's really hard to get a piece with two minimum resists.

If you screen for two minimum resists prior to imbue, the rate of return on crafting for two minimum resists is one in 16,666. At 15 boards and 4 bark per piece this would mean 249,990 boards and 66,664 bark fragments if you could craft exceptional items 100% of the time. You can bring that up to 1 in 10,000 (150,000 boards and 40,000 bark) by giving up 2 points of overall resist, but you get the point. Unfortunately a GM carpenter only crafts exceptional woodland gauntlets at a rate of 35%. Assuming you have a decent talisman, you can increase this to 50% to 55%.  It's really hard to preserve the points on your piece and you should count on giving up 3-4 total resist points prior to enhancing.


Heartwood adds 2/3/2/7/2, so the new "base" for heartwood woodland gauntlets is 7/6/4/10/4, provided the enhance occurs after any imbue increases as imbue eliminates points that are added from special material. If we assume 2 lost EAL points, full strength imbue on Physical and Fire, and even distribution of the remaining 18 EAL points between the other three resists, the piece might look like this: 22/21/10/16/10 for a total of 79 total resist points.  

According to Stratics the rate of success on the enhance based only on the resists as a percentage is 20 + Current Resist -1% if you are GM.  The rate of succes on our example is approximately 15%, with the rate for failure that doesn't break the item adding an additional 10%. This means you would destroy the item on three out of four attempts to enhance. Based on the rate for the initial attempt and the rate at which items are destroyed, the overall rate of success is around 18%.  This rate of return means that in general you should count on crafting five gauntlets to end up with one piece of armor.  

Stratics has no information on the success/breakage rate based on the additional properties that can be added other than luck, durability and lower requirements.

Heartwood adds one of seven properties at random: Luck 40, Durability 50%, Lower Requirements 20%, Damage Increase 10%, Lower Weight 50%, Hit Chance Increase 5%, Mage Armor

Based on this information, the perfect set of gauntlets would require:

2,499,900 wooden boards
666,640 bark
10 Powder of Fortifying
100 Boura Pelts
100 Diamonds
100 Rubies
200 Magical Residue
75ish Heartwood

Multiply these numbers by seven if you are looking for a specific random Heartwood property.

Using this process this would be possible* in a set of woodland gauntlets (or some other variation):

5% HCI
8% LMC  (110 intensity points)
+8 Stam (100 intensity points)
18% LRC (90 intensity points)
81 Total Resists

*And would cost a king's ransom in ingredients...  ;)

If you are willing to give up six points off of the total and get a piece with 75 total resists by getting two resists within three of the minimum, then you will average making 1250 pieces to get one.

By way of comparison, you should only need to make 100 pieces to get one with a single resist at the minimum, which would leave you four more properties and 66 total resists.  I am not sure its worth the extra resources.  

Scripting Chat / Dragging and Pathfinding
« on: May 20, 2010, 06:11:17 AM »

I know that attempting to move while dragging an item is a good way to crash the client.  Can anyone tell me what the recommended waits should be on either side of a pathfind that has a drop/drag on either side of it?

Gold Farming / Whole Book BOD Filler
« on: April 21, 2010, 02:17:05 PM »
This script calls Snicker7's BODFiller to fill SBODs in one book and drop them in another.  This has been done before, but I needed a version of it for something I am working on and had to write a custom version.  It was relatively easy to edit it into a stand-alone version, so I have done that here.  Please read the code intro posted below for setup.  If you use it and encounter errors, please let me know so that I can trouble shoot. Script takes about a minute per sBOD. Script is currently configured to complete smithy bods only.

The filler can be found here:

Code: [Select]
; Script Name:  S7 Filler Call Full BOD Book Filler
; Version: 0.10
; Author: Paulonius
; Special Thanks to TrailMix and S7 for the use of their code
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with:
; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
; Initial Release Date:  04/21/2010
; Revision Date: TBD
; Global Variables Used: N/A
; Dependencies: Script requires that you have S7BodFiller and CraftInfo
;               in the same file as script
; Purpose: Fills Bods in one book and transfers them into a second
; TO Do List
; 1. build a tracking menu
; 2. Menu based setup
; Initial Setup
; 1. You must have a secure with your resources in it within reach
; 2. You should have two books in your pack, one with bods that you
;    want to fill, and another to drop the completed bods into
; Instructions:
; 1. Position yourself with reach of a forge, anvil, and your secures
; 2. Have a tinker kit in your backpack
; 3. Toon should have 120 Blacksmith, 100 Mining and 70 Tinker
; 4. Not recommended that you try to fill books with more than 450 BODs
;    490 is your max with a pack empty of everything except what you
;    need to run the script.
; 5. Do not use the same BOD book for full and empty deeds

General UO Chat / Stygian Abyss -- GARGOYLE QUEST INFO
« on: April 09, 2010, 11:15:23 AM »
I don't have a ton of information yet on this side of the quest.

The quest starts with the lense maker in the holy city of TM. This is NOT the Royal City with the soul forges, this is the pastoral city with the entrance to the Tomb of Kings.  The Lense Maker is just E of the entrance to the dungeon on the fringe of the town.

The things you need to advance to the house lottery portion of the quest are:

1 Draconic Orbs - Sevants of the whatever they are near the fairy dragons
1 Cherry Blossom Petals - I don't know where to get yet
1 Flaming Bud - I don't know where to get yet

General UO Chat / Stygian Abyss Event -- HUMAN QUEST INFO
« on: April 07, 2010, 06:19:29 AM »

Is now possible with patch 65.  If you see any out there pick them up!

Most of them have SSI +35 and up with hit lightning on them.

Scripting Chat / Need a sub that will check to see if a SBOD is full
« on: April 05, 2010, 09:42:23 PM »
I have not figured out a good way to pull this out of the #property.  Can anyone help me out?

In addition to gump changes to the craft gump and the bod gump (shaved 10 points off of the Y axis), I confirmed today that the information display on resources has changed since the latest publish.  I have not reviewed every resource for the change, but I have looked at ingots, leather and boards.

Ingots used to have the number in the stack, the type name, and the word "ingots" in the first line of the #Property. The second line was the weight and there was no third line. This is no longer the case.  The first line for ingots no longer carries the ingot type.  Ingot type is now the third line of the #Property.  There is no third line for the base items type so there is nothing in the #Property for a stack of iron ingots to uniquely identify it.  The same pattern holds for boards and leather. Incidentally boards now use the singular "board" regardless of whether there is more than one in the stack.  Ingots is plural regardless of whether there is one or more than one in the stack.

As a result of this change, this line no longer works to find iron ingots in a secure full of different ingot types:

Code: [Select]
If iron , #spc , ingots in #property && shadow notin #property
This line should work:

Code: [Select]
If shadow notin #property && dull notin #property && bronze notin #property && gold notin #property && agapite notin #property && verite notin #property && valorite notin #property
Snicker7's BODFiller is broken by the gump change and perhaps by this #property change.  I will fix my version and post the changes on his thread over at EUO.

Off Topic / Tracking down an IP
« on: March 31, 2010, 04:13:18 AM »
I am going to get a court order this morning that will give me one or more IP addresses from Google and Facebook for someone that created a fake identity of a friend of mine and used it to commit some crimes.  Next step will be to track down the person(s) behind them, and I don't know how to begin that process.  Anyone have any suggestions/ Direction for me?

Script development tools / BOD Book Manager & Filter Set Subs
« on: March 23, 2010, 02:49:16 PM »
The attached BOD Book Manager script is a sub intended for use in other scripts for managing BOD books.  It will move books with filters for full, empty, not-full, and name. It will also rename books.  I have gotten the sub running and done some testing.  Everything appears to be working as intended, but I always appreciate it if someone can find something I can improve.

The GoSub that calls the script should look like this:

Gosub BOD_Books_Manager A B C D E

A is the name of the book you are looking for or N/A if name doesn't matter
B is the Fill Status of the book you are looking for. It can be Empty [E], Not Empty [NE], Not Full [NF], or N/A
C is the location to look for the book
D is the location to drop the book
E is the new name of the book, or N/A if you don't want to rename the book.

Script returns #False if it couldn't find a book that matched criteria, or #True if it does.

Code: [Select]
Sub BOD_Books_Manager
; Author: Paulonius
; This Script is intended to help manage BOD books in another script.
; Script requires all five parameters to have a value.
; %1 BookName, NoName : Book Name if it has or should have one, N/A as %1 will skip this value
; %2 Book Fill Status: E, NE, NF, N/A : Empty, Not Empty, Not Full, Not relevant
; %3 Start Location : A container
; %4 Drop Location ; A container
; %5 New Book Name : If this value is not N/A, it will rename the book to this value
;  This Script requires the subs OffsetClick and WaitForGump to work

The attached script BODBookFilterSub is a sub that will allow you to change the filter settings in a bod book by sending it instructions in a single parameter with the gosub.  Just stick all the category identifiers you want together into a single awkward, German looking conjunctive and use that as your parameter.  

Gosub Set_BOD_Book_Filter SpinedExceptional20small %BookID

Script returns #False if it fails and #True if it succeeds.  

Code: [Select]
; Author: Paulonius
; This Script is intended to help manage BOD books in another script.
; Receives one parameter with BOD Filter instructions as follows:
; GoSub Set_BOD_Book_Filterlargeexceptionalblacksmith20 will toggle large, Exceptional, Blacksmith and 20
; Quality, Type and Amount will reset those categories to "All"
; There is no failsafe for non-sequitor instructions so don't send it any
Sub Set_BOD_Book_Filter

Gold Farming / Lords Tomb Catacomb Opener
« on: March 19, 2010, 09:37:41 AM »
This script is a support script for farming the Lords Tomb in Ter Mur.  The Lords Tomb is a good place to farm for gold, undying flesh, and snake skins. You can farm it safely without opening the chambers, but its slow going. If you open the side chambers you can increase the spawn that you can access.  This script opens the chambers on one side, waits five minutes and then opens the other side, waits five minutes and then starts over again.

Virtualization / Optimizing Performance in Virtual Machines
« on: March 19, 2010, 06:56:35 AM »
I don't have a lot of information on the subject, but figured maybe collectively we can put together enough information to create a good resource.  I plan on doing some research in the next week or so and I will consolidate that with whatever folks post here into the lead post.

Misc. Scripts / Valentines Chocolate Eater
« on: March 07, 2010, 11:09:04 AM »
Like the Valentines gift boxes, but don't feel like using 25 lockdowns for them? Me either.

Life is like a box of chocolates. I don't need 20 virtual boxes of chocolates cluttering up my houses on four different shards...

Throw a box of chocolates in your backpack and hit play.

Character skill advancement / HopKiddo Ninjitsu Trainer
« on: February 19, 2010, 12:57:33 PM »
You must have at least 50 ninjitsu (can be with jewelry) to work.
Script jumps back and forth on a North South Axis
FYI, You are NOT invisible when you shadow jump, you leave a flash.  

I have not used it to train all the way to GM yet, but I am testing that now and will post results when available.

Code: [Select]
; Script Name:   HOPkiddo Ninjitsu Trainer
; Author: by Paulonius
; Version: 0.10
; Client Tested with:
; EUO version tested with:
; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
; Initial Release Date: 2/19/2010
; Revision Date: TBD
; Global Variables Used: None
; Purpose: Train Ninjitsu with Shadow Jump

; Not an original idea, just something I wanted done differently
; I got the structure of the targetting sub from something Nilmer
; posted in 2003.

; Script is not optimized, per se, but you will train faster with better mana
; recovery and lower mana cost.
; Directions:
; Find a spot with enough room to jump back and forth on a N/S axis of about
; five paces and hit play.
; Keep in mind that you leave a graphic every time you jump visible to others
; Requirements:
; You must have at least 50 Ninjitsu and be able to consistetly hide and stealth


Test Results:
Test Monkey One --  40 Int human 7% lower mana, 9 MR. 100 med sapping to Ninja
40-60 Ninjitsu in 1.5 hours
60-71 in 1.5 hours (3 total)
71-81.4 5 hours (8 total)

Test Monkey Two -- 40 Int Elf 100 Med stable. 6 MR
50-70 Ninjitsu in 1.5 hours.
70-75 in 1.5 hours (3 total)
75-82.5 5 hours (8 total)

With 100 cap skill gains with shadow jump appear to stop at 87.5.  The script gets there in about 12 hours from 40. I use a +11 jewel to be able to start training with this script at 40 skill.  

Have to get a pet and switch to deathstrike to advance further I suppose.

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