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Topics - Go Go Gadget

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New member introductions / To A game that we hope that never dies :)
« on: August 18, 2012, 12:38:04 PM »
Hello all  my name is Go Go GadgetII

Been playing on Great Lakes since 98 played all the way up tell when EA took over UO. Wasn't to happy about all the changes and the way they started to ruin the game and i'm sure others agree with me. Manage to take about a 5-6 year break from the game and find myself trying to get back into things not to much has changed other then new spells and new area to hunt in. I see me working a lot of my skills over due to the lose of my house and soulstones. I'm looking for a great site that can help me with these off the wall questions i might have and a home to make some new friends. I got a wife and two kids that play the game with me as well. Been in the military for about 12 years now and probably just gonna stick it out for 20 and retire.


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