-- Script Name: TrailMyx's Subroutine Collection
-- Author: TrailMyx
-- Version: v8
-- Shard OSI / FS: unk
-- Revision Date: 9/29/2010
-- Purpose: Collection of routines to help the scripter automate UO
-- TM_SecondTimer
-- local timer = TM_SecondTimer:New{duration = 5} -- creates a 5 SECOND non-blocking countdown timer (automatically starts)
-- timer:Start(10) -- restarts existing timer with new time
-- timer:Check() -- returns true if time has expired, false otherwise
-- TM_msTimer
-- local timer = TM_msTimer:New{duration = 50} -- creates a 50 MILLISECOND non-blocking countdown timer (automatically starts)
-- timer:Start(500) -- restarts existing timer with new time
-- timer:Check() -- returns true if time has expired, false otherwise
-- TM_IDtoEUO(id) -- converts an OEUO numerical ID value to the classic EUO base-26 text value
-- TM_EUOtoID(str_in) -- converts the classic EUO base-26 item id into an OEUO-compatible numerical ID value
-- TM_ItemInfo -- includes all necessary item information as returned by UO.GetItem
-- TM_FindItemsByID(id) -- locates items by ID (either EUO or OEUO format) Returns count and table of items
-- TM_FindItem(ids, locations, containers, dist, ignore) -- locates multiple IDS/TYPES on either ground or container, and at specific distances
-- return count(sum of items), stacks(sum of stacks), matches(table of all matching items)
-- ignore - table of items previously ignored
-- TM_GumpWait(c1, c2) -- waits for either gump c1 or gump c2 to pop up within 7 seconds. Returns true on success
-- TM_GumpWaitAndSize(c1, x, y) -- waits for gump c1 that is size (x,y) within 7 seconds. Returns true on success
-- TM_IgnoreItem(ignore, findid) -- maintains an "ignore" list. This table can be passed to TM_ItemInfo
-- TM_OpenPaperdoll(x,y)
-- TM_OpenStatusBar(x,y)
-- TM_OpenBackPack(x,y)
This is going to be my main subs distribution file for those functions that don't have a specific location. I will implement a version number query subroutine so that you can make sure you are using the expected version of this file. Didn't do that yet.