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Topics - NObama

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General UO Chat / Barracoon Question
« on: August 25, 2011, 08:18:03 PM »
Okay -

I've been watching people solo Barracoon in Despise.  I've taken note of templates, armor and weapons.  What I don't understand is how people are meleeing him without him running around like a little girl. 

How is this possible?

General UO Chat / A public thanks...
« on: August 21, 2011, 08:02:36 AM » all you powerscroll farmers who keep leaving gold in Despise.  I've racked up 10M on two different shards while I've been home convalescing this week.  I've even attacked a few people.  It didn't end well, but it's nice to be run *from* for a change...

Carry on.


General UO Chat / Poisoning Template suggestions?
« on: August 20, 2011, 02:18:54 PM »
Alright.  After cautiously applying over 10,000 poison potions to apples and daggers over the last 14 years, and after eating a 0.8 SoT, I am at last GM poisoning.

If you could build a single sniper character, designed to pick off protectors or champ spawn solo-ers, how would you do it?  I'm thinking Archery and Poisoned throwing stars...

AI spam

What say you?

General UO Chat / Templates & Success killing Minions
« on: June 30, 2011, 10:50:35 PM »
In the current event arc, some templates are obviously better than others.  This thread is to discuss your methods, and share knowledge.

On UOF, there is an impressive video of a Mystic/Necro/Bard soloing a Minion in under 10 minutes. 

120 Disco
120 music
120 Magery
120 Focus
120 Med
120 Mystic
20 Necro
40 SS

Method:  Discord, cast RC, mana dump endless Bombards in wraith form

I think a modification of the template would also be successful, and it seemed to test out alright in damage potential:

120 Disco
120 Music
120 Archery
120 Bushido
120 Tactics
100 Anatomy
20 Necro
40 SS

Method:  Discord, stand far enough away, zap with endless LS or AI on a Demon slaying bow while in wraith form.  I didn't bother with AI, but a fast AI weapon would probably be better than my fast Demon-slaying heavy X.

Hardest part about this one is finding that sweet spot where you can hit the demons but they don't hit you. 

Obviously, any of us can multi-client any demon(s) with just about any template.  I'm looking to talk about proven, tested (by US) methods that shave precious minutes off farming these annoying buggers.

Talk amongst yourselves.  I am verclempt.

General Discussion / Important tip for bugs
« on: June 19, 2011, 08:10:37 PM »
If it has six legs, you can eat it.  If it has more than six, no good.

Carry on.

Scripting Chat / Suit building with Poisoned Reading Glasses?
« on: June 14, 2011, 07:03:03 PM »
Anyone give any thought to using these?  Seems like the extra 10 resist points might be useful for a dexxer, plus the stam regen and stam bonus.

Probably not, just curious.

Stamina Increase 3
Stamina Regeneration 4
Physical Resist: 10%
Fire Resist: 10%
Cold Resist: 10%
Poison Resist: 30%
Energy Resist: 10%

General UO Chat / Throwing Weapon Discussion
« on: May 31, 2011, 07:52:16 PM »
Alrighty.  Certain things go without saying for a Thrower's weapon:

1) Soul Glaive
2) 30% SSI

I'm building a template for use with up to two other characters.  PvM.  I'm thinking:

- HML 37% (max)
- DI 40% (crafted)

What to do with the other property?  It needs to be either Hit Stamina Leech or Hit Lightning or Hit Area Effect.

What say you, multiple throwing toon users?

UO-Related Tutorials / Ancient Lich Renowned
« on: May 30, 2011, 06:56:50 PM »
Learn how to burn down the Ancient Lich Spawn!

1)  Sampire.  I run the following sub-optimal template:

Bush 106
Chiv 75
Necro 99
Resist 101
Swords 115
Tactics 115
Anat 109

You must have resist, or you will die.

2) Armor.  You need to be all 70s in vamp form, so pile on the Fire Resist.  Afterwards, you're adding dexterity and stamina before everything else.  Then, mana increase and regen.  Finally, pile on the DI and the SSI.  You need to be swinging once a second, or as close to that as the game allows.

3) Weapon.  I run this suboptimal weapon that cost me nothing to imbue, because it spawned with with darn near everything on it:

Radiant Scimitar
Hit Stamina Leech 14% (really needs to be higher)
Undead Slayer
Hit Mana Leech 50%
SSI 25%
DI 45%
Physical 100% (Should be fire)

4) Macros.  Set up this:
SelectNext     Mobile

Put it on a hotkey that you can spam while running.


Tier I & II:  Run like a madman, spamming your hotkey.  Get everything aggroed, then stand and whirlwind through it.  Consecrate weapon is your friend if you're not 100% fire.

Tier III: *Carefully* run like a madman, aggroing the Rotting Corpses.  Get as many as you conveniently can - I like 5-8.  Then, Honor a Skeletal Lich.  Dance around until you engage the Skele Lich with a group of angry RCs next to you.  Spam whirlwind.  If you whiff more than once, run and heal.  You can have as many RCs as you want on you, but only one Skele Lich.  More than one and the pain spike/poison strike/strangle/evil omen/flamestrikes/Deadly Poison will end you.

Renowned: Just EoO and bash him.  Get up from the keyboard and get a soda if you want, or take a 15 second snooze.  That's all you'll need to kill him.

I've been dying a lot, but that's because I tend to charge in and damn the torpedoes.  With only a small amount of caution on Tier III, I never dirt nap.


General UO Chat / Mini Tutorial on Void Manifestations
« on: April 11, 2011, 08:27:00 PM »
After some trial and error this weekend, I learned the following.  All of this was only used against the Outcast/Rouser spawn near the Ranger of the Abyss housing plot (Faerie Renowned):

2) See#1
3) Use a Mystic Stealth Mage to cast RCs.  A single RC will crush the Rouser quickly.  Stealth keeps the annoying summons from eating your brain.
4) A void manifestation will eventually appear.  It seems to be about the same frequency as Paragon critters in Ilsh.
5) From about 3/4 a screen away, cast RC until Void manifestation is dead.

- Don't bother luring the Void Manifestation to the Super Faerie.  He beats her quickly.
- The Void Manifestation apparently has no follower limit.  He had an RC and/or an animated weapon and a Revenant up at any given time.  Speed-hacking bastard...
- DO NOT use any sort of life leech against him.  It turns to damage.  I speculate that any sort of mana or stamina leech will also do damage.
- Don't bother trying to use a ranged weapon.  He's pretty speedy.
- Elemental Slayer works.

Have fun.  2400 hitpoints and 60+ in all resists.  Bardable, but 120/120/120 couldn't do it with an exceptional instrument and survive his attacks.

Also, he will heal himself from redline if left alone long enough.  Best bet is to tag team him with two RCs.

Biggest disappointment:  They fixed Rouser loot in a recent patch.  They used to drop full Mystic Spellbooks.  Bummer.

General UO Chat / NObama's Tally Thread
« on: March 11, 2011, 05:59:10 PM »
This is to either brag or whine about my luck as it applies to getting a ANY DROP from ANY SPAWN. (Was:  Berserker's Breastplate)

Comments are welcome.  Mostly, I just intend to update my tally and chronicle the effort.

Attempts to date: 103

Attempt 41 yielded Mystic's Garb.  253 Essence and 117 Vitriol collected to this point.
Attempt 98 yielded a Halloween mask.  I'm not counting that crap.  719 Essence and 325 Vitriol to this point.

Attempts to date: 8

Attempts to date: 10

Attempts to date: 4

Attempts to date: 16

Attempt 16 yielded:  Valkyrie's Glaive

Attempts to date: 6

Attempt 5 yielded: Blade of Battle

General UO Chat / To whomever thought Luna was safe...
« on: January 17, 2011, 12:48:23 AM »
Dear Generous Benefactor,

I know you thought this sleepy little shard was unpopulated.  I know you were tired and just looking for a quick transfer of goods between characters on the same account.  I am afraid I cannot recommend upstairs Luna as a safe place to drop a bag full of artifacts, however - no matter how fast your ping may be.

Even at 0200 on a Monday morning, this is *my* island.  Mine.

You did have a slight chance.  When I grabbed your bag and ran, my bank was full and my pack was stuffed.  I was very careful to set the bag down just outside the city gates so it wouldn't rubber band before completing the cross-country run to my Malas house.

Rest assured, I will give them a shiny new home.


Games & Game Systems / Facebook Game Gift grabbers?
« on: January 15, 2011, 03:47:26 PM »
So - My wife (and, admittedly, I) are off/on addicted to various facebook games.  There are giftgrabbers out there, but they all want to charge subscription fees for their service.  Anyone here on SUO working on a facebook gift claim application?  Happy to help beta/bug test.

Alternatively...anyone know of a free one?  Mostly, i want it to clean out one of my dummy facebook accounts that has about 2000 old game requests cluttering up the window.  I still want to play that game, so 'ignoring' isn't an option...

Firefly/Serenity / Firefly Quote Game Thread
« on: January 14, 2011, 11:08:29 AM »
Here's how it works:

1 - quote an episode
2 - next poster identifies the quote by [speaker] and [episode name]
3 - then, post up a quote from another episode
4 - goto mainloop

You may not:
- quote the same episode twice in a row
- use a quote from the same character twice in a row
- quote an unnamed character.  Badger is fine, but not the blue hands, i.e.
- stray outside the television show and movie.  Comics are out!

Here we go!  An easy one to start...

"Captain Tightpants"

Crafting / Commodity Deeder
« on: December 25, 2010, 11:40:39 AM »
Code: [Select]
; ##########################################
; Script Name:  NObama's Deeder
; Author: NObama
; Version: 1.0
; Client Tested with: EA (Patch 80)
; EUO version tested with: 1.5 Version 182
; Shard OSI / FS: OSI Servers
; Revision Date: N/A
; Public Release: 25 Dec 2010.  Ho Ho Ho.
; Purpose: To Fill Commodity Deeds with a set number of items.
; Thanks to: TrailMyx, for SUO and for posting so many snippets.
; ##########################################

Code: [Select]
; You will need
; 1 - A Commodity deed box locked down w/in 2 tiles
; 2 - A Secure Bag, also w/in 2.  Inside the Bag you need...
; 3 - A Storage Bag.  This is where you put the stack of items you want to convert into deeds
; 4 - A bag in your backpack with as many empty deeds as you want to fill.
;     NOTE: The script will fill ALL of them.
; 5 - Don't forget to set one user-defined variable below
; 6 - Press Play

First Public Release: 25 Dec 2010

CURRENT VERSION: 1.1; 27 Dec 2010

Future Updates:
- Change hardcoded waits to user defined variable to account for various connection speeds

- 26 Dec: Endless loop when it runs out of deeds.  Just hit stop button for now - Fixed
- 27 Dec: Weird issues where if you run it once, it works fine.  Run it a second time without closing EUO and reloading, it misidentifies the item you want to deed.


Scripting Chat / Why the *bleep* isn't this working...
« on: December 24, 2010, 02:02:46 PM »
This makes me want to scream.  It was working, then it stopped.  Argh.

Code: [Select]
  display ok Now, target the container$ with unfilled deeds in your pack
  set #TARGCURS 1
  until #TARGCURS = 0
  set %deedbag #LTARGETID
  finditem EWH C_ , %deedbag ; Deeds
  if #FINDKIND = -1
    display ok No Commodity deeds.$Please get some.

Keep getting -1 on #findkind...why? WHY!

And before you ask, YES there are deeds in there and YES the item type is EWH.

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