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Messages - Dixie Wrecked

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Scripting Chat / Re: iso fully auto bod filler
« on: March 19, 2011, 07:59:56 PM »
here is the menu, again im playing on uo gamers demise.

Unfortunately, that is not the same as the gump on the OSI shards, so the size of the gump is probably different, and I believe that is what the s7 script uses to determine that the tailoring gump has opened.

may be doing somthing wrong im not sure, but i put both bod scripts into my easyuo folder and ran, everything worked right cept it just stops when it brings up the tailoring menu. it just sits there like it doesnt know what to do.

As mentioned in your intro thread, your problem is probably due to being on a freeshard, and since I don't play on them, I can't really supply much support for them.  I am going to take a guess though that the gump size on your shard is different than the OSI shards, as the picture you posted in the intro thread is different than the one see.

Tim very nicely allowed me a copy of this script a month ago and ive been running it ALOT and ive gota say its absolutely amazing, its flawless, absolutely flawless.

cheers buddy

HUGE Thumbs Up

Glad to hear you're not having any problems with the script! :)  It's just too bad that you haven't been able to run it quite as much as you'd like, since you keep running out of iron smalls :P  I've got a plan for that in the works (started tonight), so hopefully I can help keep you going with them in much greater quantities or with greater frequency!

General UO Chat / Re: NObama's Tally Thread
« on: March 14, 2011, 09:31:57 PM »
I agree - but ya have to spend the time to look. Now if we could write a script to....

The script is technically already written, but I don't have a copy of it, as the search sites do it for me - I just looked on them and then logged in and made the necessary purchases whenever I would find mispriced items. 

As for writing a script that could be used independantly from those sites, it sounds like it could be an interesting project, and while I don't know how difficult it might be, it doesn't seem too impossible.  Logging in might be a little annoying, but it should be fairly simple overall, depending on how many shards would be searched, the method used to log-in, and the timer used to determine when to begin logging in each time (pretty much like a BOD timer, I would guess?).  The wandering part seems fairly simple, although I haven't done much with rails, but there is enough help out there for that.  Finding and opening the vendors also seems rather simple, although opening all the containers on the vendors might take a little more work.  And then the actual searching of items and their prices seems like it might be rather straightforward too, most likely by setting a list of items and high prices to pay, with the possibility of speeding up the scanning by ignoring items after an initial scan. 

Anyway, just brainstorming a little, as it sounds like a lucrative project, but I am a little hesitant to take on anything too big right now (personal issues), although once those are cleared up, I would be all over trying to work on a larger project like that!

General UO Chat / Re: NObama's Tally Thread
« on: March 14, 2011, 07:59:35 PM »
so last night i was walking around luna on GL an bought a berserkers breastplate for 150,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I get great deals like that all the time, but only because people misprice items - Orny on Europa for 22 gp, 19 commodity deeds of 5k shadow iron for 4 gp each on Atlantic, 60k val ingots for 4 gp on Chessy, 2 commodity deeds of 60k bronze ingots for 4 gp each on Atlantic, dozens and dozens of BOD books on multiple shards for 22 gp each, and countless other comm deeds, arties, tokens, and other items, on just about every US and European shard, all mostly for default pricing! 

New member introductions / Re: GGGooooooddd morning!
« on: March 01, 2011, 06:30:39 PM »
Well C2 i used it alot the last week and made just over 100k pots and its purely awesome, unbelievable....

The menu was good, only thing that threw me was when i wanted to check how many pots it had made, it didnt count up or down or anything.

The longest streak i had it on was 40k (10k of 4 different types) and it ran through flawlessly :)

40k straight.. holy crap city!!!

I told him that the script was awesome!  I currently have about 400k total pots, almost all of which were made with your script too, and while I'm not sure of the exact amount I made in one setting, I do remember setting it to do well over 100k pots several times and only server down or me needing to use the account for something else were able to stop it!

Anyway, welcome Tony (even if I am a little late!)...and I assume the BOD filling script is still running well for you too?  Post any comments, complaints, suggestions, or anything else you see fit in it's thread, as I'm working on improving it a little bit, but can always use help in making it better!!!

Off Topic / Re: How did you come up with your online alias?
« on: February 11, 2011, 11:00:33 AM »
I like this name that I post under just because it's dirty :P  But the "Timbo Slice" name I use when submitting my scripts is a nickname I got at work, as a couple people were talking about MMA and Kimbo Slice when I walked by, and given that I am the most non-threatening and probably whitest guy there (at least at the time), the name somehow just stuck. 

Heh!  Classic, like it!

I'll run this side by side with the other IDOC script to test it out here in the next couple days.  I've been seriously slacking in my hunting duties.  Running around looking for houses is almost as fun as waiting there for one to fall.

Thanks - I hope to hear some feedback, even if everything works as intended (which has been my experience!).  I was slacking in my IDOCing until recently, but a couple nice hauls (2 tinker legs, 3 of those big demon statues, some rares, hundreds of essences, hundreds of arties, lots of tokens, etc) have given be an itch to really get out there, so I've been using TrailMyx's script to find more of them, so I've really been needing to use these scripts (especially when 2 castles, 1 keep, and a luna house all fell the same day, so I had 3 chars logged at different houses with the timer and a 4th waiting at what I thought was the first to fall so I could try looting at them all!).

Shouldn't it be called "Timbo Slice's Sleeping on the Job"?

Nope, that would be the other script - this one would be Timbo Slice's ADD IDOC enabler, since I am helping all of those with ADD to be able to withstand the pressures normally caused by doing nothing while waiting for a house to fall!!!


IDOC tools / Timbo Slice's The House Fell Down and Broke It's Crown v1.00
« on: February 09, 2011, 06:27:22 PM »
When you're camping an IDOC, do you have to multi-task to avoid falling asleep at the computer?  I know I did, so I wrote this little alarm, which will keep you hidden while waiting for the house to fall, then when the house falls, it sounds an alarm to alert you to start grabbing the loot.  There is no real set-up for this script, just start teh script, target the house sign, and wait for the house to fall.  Once the alarm has sounded, press the 'q' key to stop it, although this sometimes requires multiple presses to work.  Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions and thank you in advance for testing!

IDOC tools / Re: Timbo Slice's IDOC Timer v1.00
« on: February 09, 2011, 05:49:57 PM »

IDOC tools / Timbo Slice's IDOC Timer v1.00
« on: February 09, 2011, 05:49:37 PM »
Do you like to do IDOCs, but never seem to know when the house status changed from Greatly to IDOC nor when it is actually going to fall?  Then this is the script for you!  While simple in what it does, this script has proven invaluable for me, especially for getting more sleep than I might otherwise.  Basically, this script will keep you hidden while waiting for the house status to change to in danger of collapse.  After the status changes to IDOC, the menu will display the time and will log your character out, so when you next check your computer, you can know exactly when the status turned.  There isn't much more to it, but please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!

Change Log:
v1.00 Initial Public Release

Version 1.01 of the script has been uploaded with the following change:

v1.01 Added Resetting of BOD Book Filter

This resets the filter of the bod book to clear the filter and set the "set your filter" option, so that this is applied to all future books (no need to reset every book, just the first one!). 

Planned updates (if necessary)
- Error checking added for large bods
- resource checking before calling s7's script

Any additional suggestions or comments are greatly appreciated!!!

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