To determine whether the Miner's Satchel would be the same or an improvement (on ingots/hour), you can measure the time required to recall to the bank, unload and recall back.
I would separate that timing into these 2:
1) recall (x2)
2) unload
The new method to use the Miner's Satchel would become:
1) 1 second for top 2 ore types to move (12 stones version and 7 stones version)
2) 1.x second to combine the lighter ore types
At the time that it recalls to the bank, there is a weight check to decide to go unload. This is where the new logic gets inserted.
1) weight check (already there)
2) move large ore to Miner's Satchel
3) combine smaller ores
4) weight check
5) If this weight check has reduced your weight significantly compared to #1, then head to the bank, otherwise resume mining
--- new bank unload routine ---
6) it will open the bank and unload what is in your main pack (already there)
7) open Miner's Satchel (1 second delay for container open after event macro 17)
finditem %oretypes C_ , %MinersSatchelID ; I am just using English named variables here - those need to be properly defined
Now there will be 1 or 2 types of ore in the Satchel
9) drag/drop these 1 or 2 types of ore into the bank
10)resume recalling back to mine more (already in the code)
It will cost about 2-3 seconds each time you reach max weight to move ore to the Satchel.
It will cost about 2-3 seconds each time at the bank to unload.
So the comparison is, you have saved 1 recall to the bank and back to the mine - Does this take 6 seconds or longer to do the 2 recalls?
At 6 seconds, it will keep your ore retrieval about equal to the script without the modifications.
Under 6 seconds means you will be slower gathering ore.
More than 6 seconds means your ore production would increase.
Back to the timing on the 2 Recalls to get to the bank and return (not including the unload time) - < 6 seconds, = 6 seconds or > 6 seconds?