Maybe you all can help me with this question: Notepad++ is formatting my UO journal terribly. I'm used to the fact that the UO client will save all the text with a space character in between each letter (ie: Y O U S E E : b l a h)
The problem is that apparently this is a null char, and N++ displays a little black graphic for each null char making my saved journals impossible to read. After much googling to no avail, I turn to you, my new scriptuo friends to see If you can helpe
I would select the NULL character, then select Search\Replace - the NULL character should be in the "Find What" field, then make sure the "With What" field is blank and select Replace All.
Just updating you on my solution. What you suggested was the first thing I tried, and it didn't work due to being unable to paste a null character. But after your suggestion, I thought I'd try finding the escape char for null and doing a search/replace for that worked.
The problem now is that all of my characters dump in to the same journal file, so I have an enormous file filled with Null chars intermixed with text.
I just highlighted probably 1/20th of the file and did a replace as I described above and it took almost 8 minutes to complete and replaced
1.5 million null chars lol
So, I need to know how to make it not display nulls (also, if anyone knows how to change the filename the client saves to, I would be extremely grateful, that way I can seperate my chars journals and not have all of them dump to the same JOURNAL.TXT file)