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Messages - SlaughtersReturn

Pages: [1]
IDOC tools / Re: Timbo Slice's IDOC Timer v1.00
« on: July 26, 2013, 02:41:35 PM »
I have been using this script for a while now and love it! however I do have one problem it randomly has the EUO window pop up, this isnt much of a problem unless I am playing another game, when my other game gets minimized for me to see the EUO screen, is there a fix for this?

New member introductions / Well Hello there!
« on: June 05, 2013, 02:32:10 PM »
Hello there, My name is Donald, I used to play ultima online on the west coast servers and atlantic, I quit in 2008, and have wanted to start playing again, so I went to recover my accounts and of course they changed the way you logged in so I had to merge them with some other account, well I didnt remember my password and so I tried to email origin they said to give them info I tried to give all that i knew and apparently I gave a different Birthdate to my account then My actual birthdate, so they wont give it back.

So now I have started playing on UOgamers Demise and starting out completely fresh, Ive collected a LRC suit and on to training a necro mage for spawning and tamer mage for PVM

I used to have alot of rare and hard to get scripts such as the fully automated doom script that would do everything for you with a necro fencer. I am looking to relearn how to scriptuo and make scripts

Thank you for your time

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