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Messages - plustre

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: Hey all!
« on: April 30, 2015, 01:32:47 AM »
thank you for all guys...

Scripting Chat / I Need help..
« on: April 29, 2015, 01:55:00 PM »
Hey guys.. Firstly i know nothing about easyuo scripting..

I need very easy script, maybe someone help me ..

When inquisitor's resolution appear (like that -> )

Character will run to inq, and will steal it..Then need to insure it. that's all.  Can you help me please?

New member introductions / Re: Hey all!
« on: April 29, 2015, 05:10:52 AM »
Thanks for your introduction - restricted status lifted! Feel free to enjoy the whole site!


Thank you friend = )

New member introductions / Re: Hey all!
« on: April 29, 2015, 04:35:03 AM »
There are members here that have more trouble with English than you and have put it more effort in their introduction. There are a lot of great scripts here which are all yours for a small price of a good introduction. You put in a few minutes of work and receive scripts which others put in hours and hours of work. I probably couldn't even calculate the amount of hours of effort put into all of the scripts here.

There are many translation web pages that can help you post a better introduction. What do you like to do in UO? What templates do you play? What are your favorite templates? Free shard or official shard? What shard? I would suggest reading this and then reading the examples of good and bad intros and then add to yours. It is a small price to pay for all of the rewards that you will get.

You're right.Thanks for your advice.. I'm going to edit my post according to good examples..

Gold Farming / Re: [Freeshard] Doom Artisan
« on: April 29, 2015, 12:58:33 AM »
so.. How can i download this scp?

By following rule number 1....

You are restricted. We want people to introduce themselves to the community before leeching scripts away. Dont feel too bad. Many of us made the same mistake when first joining.
Thank you for your help..I did it =) I hope that it will accepted soon :P

New member introductions / Hey all!
« on: April 29, 2015, 12:51:26 AM »
Hey guys! It's Savas and I'm from Turkey..I discovered this great forum.. =) Because i was looking for runuo scripts..  I started to play ultima online in 1999...Now i'm 27 years old and I had no chance to play the last 3 years(because of work).And this month i started to play again in worldofsosaria(it's pre aos and 500 online,if you want to play just p.m. me or just go to

I started to play with first Turkish server called SNN( then i started to play hardgamer(it was first server in Turkey with Level and race system).I played a lot of server that I can not remember the name of the server.

I always like to play with pure mage. In sphere servers,i always played mage. But in Runuo i always started to play with tamer-bard character and my second character always will be a thief . I have never played in original server and also never played in latest version of uo. Pre-Aos is perfect for me = ) Because i think latest versions of uo (like spell weaving etc.) sooo complicate.

My favorite thing in the pre-aos servers is to steal the inquisitor's resolution = ) I can say, i'm the master of it :P  As you can see, Even while writing this introduction
, i'm waiting for inquisitor :P (i'm using 2 monitor)

Actually i have never planned to play uo again. I was working too hard , 1.5 year ago i created a autoblogging software for my websites,it has translating and spinning options.and i was earning money from adsense. 6 months ago i sold all my websites and bought a home for my mom. Then i started to create new websites but whenever i try ,everytime i failed because of changed goggle algorithm.. So last 3 months was worst times in my life.. I was stressed. My relationship broken, my job down.I was looking for to clear my mind so i started to play uo again. that's why i'm here. That's all about me =)

P.S. : If you care, that's me..

Gold Farming / Re: [Freeshard] Doom Artisan
« on: April 25, 2015, 04:22:07 PM »
so.. How can i download this scp?

Pages: [1]