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Topics - Jabberlocke

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / This game
« on: July 17, 2011, 09:10:39 AM »
This game doesn't let you go.  I quit just after T2A came out and I've always thought of it as that "amazing game that I wish more games were like". I always wished that every new MMO or whatever would be half as good but it never happened, so it just dawned on me recently to actually go back and play it again.

I'm a programmer analyst and instructor so I hope I have something useful to contribute. Just looking around the site and exploring everything right now so I'd rather lurk and make sure I know the rules 100% before posting too much (lurk first and forever is always a good idea IMHO).

Anyway, thanks for your time, be seeing more of you soon I hope!

I am so excited about download scripts I COULD JUST DIE.

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